I've managed to find a garage that will run an MOT on my car this weekend so that I know the brakes and lights and everything are good for the
I failed my previous IVA on the emissions so I have bought a power commander.
Does anyone have a map for the following setup...
ZX12r 2003
ITG Sausage filter
MK Backbox with separate cat (rated at 100 cell)
Just need to pass the IVA and then I can get it properly set up!
Many Thanks
[Edited on 17/5/11 by locostbuyer83]
have a map for
2001 ZX12
ITG Sausage
400cell cat
STD bike can
can mail it across if its any use to you...
I'm testing the emissions on Saturday so I can probably try a couple of maps.
If you can't get a suitable map then I've found leaning off about 15-20% at 2500-3000 rpm & leaning around 25%at idle (1000-1500) is a good start. As long as you don't have a whole host of other fails they'll usually let you have a few goes thro' the emissions test - just be aware that bike engines don't like doing nearly 3000 rpm for any length of time with b*gger all airflow - I would suggest bypassing the fan switch as this will delay coolant warm up whilst not affecting CAT operating temp.
Originally posted by russbost
If you can't get a suitable map then I've found leaning off about 15-20% at 2500-3000 rpm & leaning around 25%at idle (1000-1500) is a good start. As long as you don't have a whole host of other fails they'll usually let you have a few goes thro' the emissions test - just be aware that bike engines don't like doing nearly 3000 rpm for any length of time with b*gger all airflow - I would suggest bypassing the fan switch as this will delay coolant warm up whilst not affecting CAT operating temp.
Went for my pretend MOT yesterday and on the emissions the car was way out. Turned the figures way down and it's fine now on emissions at fast
idle and idle.
We did manage to melt the garages probe though! Doh!
Sorted the headlight alignment and the car passed the brake test.
Now just have to wait for the 6th June!