I have a double bubble aero screen to fit to my MK Indy. Should I leave it until after IVA to fit or do it now?
Also what is the best way to fit it. It's a Carbon Mods aero screen. I was told to use big head fasteners and bond them to the screen and then
there would be no fasteners showing.
Leave it off, it just another edge to cover.
If its a screen dont fit it if its the bubble that fits to the scuttle you should be okay as long it meets the radious requirements if not leave it off. Mine ie riveted with washers to the rear of the rivetds to spread the load. You could always use button head allen bolts
I used motorbike fairing screen fasteners, very neat low profile heads. If you don't have a screen or aeroscreen you will probably
lose the exemption area around the steering wheel.
Simple answer leave it off i did
Thanks guys