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IVA booked and DVLA questions
eddie99 - 12/7/11 at 10:33 AM

Well, sent off IVA forms on thursday, paid friday, Norwich test centre rang me up today saying i have a test date in 15days time. Wednesday 27th July....

Anyway, supposedly it did pass, what else is needed to get it on the road? I haven't seen anything lately of a build up inspection, is this still needed? What can i do now to save time later???

Thanks in Advance


franky - 12/7/11 at 11:02 AM

I had to fill in a build declaration form and registration form(the triplicate one). Forms handed in one day, inspection and numberplate the next.

gavin174 - 12/7/11 at 12:39 PM

Hi Ed

I took all my paperwork in to Chelmsford DVLA before I had my IVA

They told me I needed a build up inspection.

Trailered it there and had inspection, which took about 5 minutes...

then recieved a letter throught the post to say I would get an age related plate.

after passing IVA drove straight to DVLA with test cert and was issued with a number plate the next day.