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IVA Forms Posted
IainL - 7/9/11 at 04:39 PM

Just posted my IVA forms, copies of invoices and photos off today.

Now reality of the situation has started to hit home!!!!!!!

All I have to do now is get a trailer sorted to transport my Aries Locoblade from Gloucestershire to Aries Motorsport in Derby for a pre IVA check and resolve a few sticky points!

Oh and finish of few minor bits!


stevegough - 7/9/11 at 06:20 PM

Good luck, but I feel that I should point out to you that it is customary on LCB to post 'pre-IVA' pics to allow us a chance to pick, sorry!.....Come up with constructive ideas and comments on possible fail points and possible quick fixes.

But best of british anyway if you choose not to!

Daddylonglegs - 7/9/11 at 07:29 PM

All the best chap! I've got some small jobs to sort out, then prep & paint. Followed by the above stated chance for a slating then it's hand in wallet time