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IVA retest PASS -Carlisle
rb968 - 9/9/11 at 07:11 PM

Just got home from Carlisle. Had my retest today with Andrew, a few hiccups but passed eventually with his help it has to be said.

Top bloke, really wanted it to pass and full of common sense approach.........unlike the DVLA office I visited shortly afterwards!

Filled in V55 and build declaration, Lad behind the counter took id insurance, receipts, IVA cert etc and then said "Let me explain what happens next, colleague here will review your forms and contact you by post to tell you the next stage of the process. We may need to inspect the vehicle." oh I said it is outside on a trailer and I don't live in Carlisle but an hour and half away. "oh we can't just come out and look at it, it's a special inspection"

Now at this point I had to hold my tongue and just said I had heard that was no longer required and you could rely on Vosa's inspection?

His colleague then chipped in that if it was a brand new kit with all new components then maybe but as I had stated it was not and was expecting. Q plate he may need to.

Could I pay for 12 months tax and the registration fee then?

"No we will need to review your documents first then I will contact you by post"

Likely I am on holiday next week. Told him that and he told my there were three or four ahead of me in the queue so wouldn't be next week anyway.

Such a wonderful, helpful organisation.Fingers crossed!

Anyway despite that dead chuffed to have passed in time for winter

Thanks to all on here for their advice.


Nash - 9/9/11 at 07:19 PM

Congratulation Sir. It feels great doesn't it!

It seems DLVA are different all over the country. I registered mine at Maidstone and they were great. I did arrange it on the day they have a dedicated inspector in the office but they did do it there and then.

Once again congrates


chrisxr2 - 9/9/11 at 09:10 PM

Inspection, if it was not fit for the road you wouldnt have the paperwork to be at the bloody dvla with it to start with. Muppets.

myke pocock - 9/9/11 at 10:17 PM

Totally agree with you. Andrew is spot on, Carlisle DVLA are a bunch of useless knobs. I was re-registering my JC Midge which had been on the road for years but described as a Triumph Vitesse Sports in the Log Book (DVLA's description I hasten to add, not mine originally) I wanted 'JC Midge' in the log book. They wanted to inspect it at their office and INSISTED I take it on a trailer with all 4 wheels off the road. I said that I didnt have a trailer but could I A frame it. Er, NO, all 4 wheels off the road or no inspection. Geez, it had been on the road, insured, tested and taxed legally for years already. When I got there they insisted it was taken off the trailer before inspection to check the chassis and engine number. When they came out and saw I was taking it off they said thats OK, leave it there, we only ask that if its on a double decker!!!! As it was they only checked the chassis number anyway. As you say, bite yer tounge. T**sers.
I had correspondence with my MP about my Locost problems as well (I wont go into THEM) and then with the Head of the DVLA who said that proceedures would be reinforced. Looks like that was total bullshit. Get your IVA at Carlisle but registration anywhere else but Carlisle.

matt_gsxr - 9/9/11 at 10:27 PM

Originally posted by myke pocock
Totally agree with you. Andrew is spot on, Carlisle DVLA are a bunch of useless knobs. I was re-registering my JC Midge which had been on the road for years but described as a Triumph Vitesse Sports in the Log Book (DVLA's description I hasten to add, not mine originally) I wanted 'JC Midge' in the log book. They wanted to inspect it at their office and INSISTED I take it on a trailer with all 4 wheels off the road. I said that I didnt have a trailer but could I A frame it. Er, NO, all 4 wheels off the road or no inspection. Geez, it had been on the road, insured, tested and taxed legally for years already. When I got there they insisted it was taken off the trailer before inspection to check the chassis and engine number. When they came out and saw I was taking it off they said thats OK, leave it there, we only ask that if its on a double decker!!!! As it was they only checked the chassis number anyway. As you say, bite yer tounge. T**sers.
I had correspondence with my MP about my Locost problems as well (I wont go into THEM) and then with the Head of the DVLA who said that proceedures would be reinforced. Looks like that was total bullshit. Get your IVA at Carlisle but registration anywhere else but Carlisle.

Well done on mentioning it to MP and Head of DVLA though. Its right to moan to the people who can make changes.

FWIW Oxford is crap too.
Trailer to Theale, but you can't unload it.
Trailer to Bicester, but you have to wait a week.

All they do is check a chassis number, which has already been done as part of the SVA/IVA


rb968 - 9/9/11 at 10:48 PM

Having had a couple of celebratory pints and several glasses of red wine I can confirm that the general attitude was one of dismissal and whilst I understand it was a Friday afternoon it was still very much leave it with me I will get to it when I fancy.

If I have to drag the Indy back to Carlisle for a "special inspection" I will not be amused especially if at the end if it I don't get presented with a v5 and tax disc.

Here's hoping.


rb968 - 9/9/11 at 10:48 PM


[Edited on 9/9/11 by rb968]

rb968 - 23/9/11 at 09:59 AM

Well 2 weeks since I dropped my application and paperwork into Carlisle DVLA and still no contact by post as promised.

Excellent service. Whats the record on the longest delay in getting registered?


owelly - 23/9/11 at 10:12 AM

When I applied for the V5 for my car, after the V5 turned up on another persons car on Ebay, DVLA asked to inspect the car. I told them the car was off the road and I didn't have a way to get it from Whitby to Stockton DVLA office. "no problem. We'll pop over and have a look." And a very helpful young lady turned-up, through 4" of snow, to look at something she knew notging about. Thankfully, the build photos and paperwork for my car and the ebay listings of the MK 'Magenta', got it sorted. I even got 12 months tax and MOT for a car in boxes!
So Stockton DVLA office is good. Just be careful where you park to avoid a ticket!

adithorp - 23/9/11 at 10:30 AM

Get on the phone to them or call in and ask.

Is the car insured on the chassis number? If so get onto the insurance co and ask to extend it. Some have a limited time for that and then cancel with no refund if they don't get a reg' number.

I think someone on here waited several months a couple of years ago. Thats not the norm though; More usually anything from same day to a month.

myke pocock - 23/9/11 at 11:23 AM

Problem is you cannot "get on the phone". I live in Carlisle and even going along to the office was a waste of time. They will do it when THEY want to I recon. I was given a time scale that extended and when I went to see them they said that was advisory and they cannot keep to those kinds of time scales as "more important things can slow the timescale down". I also recon that your details will mysteriously go to the bottom of the pile if you complain. Thats Carlisle for you. Been there, done it. I think mine took 6 weeks eventually. Barstewards.

mrwibble - 23/9/11 at 11:41 AM

people with a little bit of power eh? right nobjockies

rb968 - 23/9/11 at 11:47 AM


Yeah I was on holiday the week after I submitted everything but was expecting I might have heard something back this week. I have resisted phoning for just that reason, as they were not helpful on the day and the chap actually who will go through the paperwork was there at the front desk but too busy to speak to me and from his demeanor I got the impression chasing him will do no good.

Will see what happens. Might book a trackday to at least get some non-road use out of it before the summer ends


Bluemoon - 23/9/11 at 12:53 PM

Originally posted by rb968
Well 2 weeks since I dropped my application and paperwork into Carlisle DVLA and still no contact by post as promised.

Excellent service. Whats the record on the longest delay in getting registered?


Took me 6 months I think Don't hold your breath keep on at them as well or it will get lost...

rb968 - 24/9/11 at 01:07 PM

Well, good news and not so good news. Had a letter from the DVLA this morning.

Sadly it is to ask me bring the car back to Carlisle for an inspection.

October 5th

So another £40 worth of diesel to drag the trailer an hour and half up the m6 but hopefully getting a bit nearer. If they only look at the chassis number I will be a bit annoyed.

Who thinks I will walk away with a tax disc and paperwork to get my plates made?


tomgregory2000 - 24/9/11 at 01:14 PM

they might look at your engine number as well

and then 5-7 working days you will get your reg number through the post

rb968 - 5/10/11 at 12:51 PM

Deep breath...........

3hour round trip, £40 diesel, day off work and I am so annoyed I am going to call the DVLA now and register a complaint.

Just been for my "special inspection " at Carlisle DVLA. This is a rant so apologies.....

Arrived early and the chap who does kit cars was on the front desk. Told him who I was and that I had an appointment, he told me to wait outside and his colleague would come out yet again he never looked up from his keyboard.

Two women came out to where I had parked the trailer. "Can we see the chassis number please? problem we remove bonnet and they read it out.

Then the younger one apologises and says she has never done one of these worries.

" have we got receipts for the parts that are new and the engine?" yes we left those with you three weeks ok. "great, so what happens next is we will look at your paperwork and contact you by post."

I asked if I could at least pay for registration and tax as I have not yet done so and perhaps that might speed things up. "sure I'm sure we can do that"

Back in the reception she asks the chap who is still on the front desk......."no I need to look at the paperwork first" the colleague then says surely it's PLG so he can pay for it now?

"no I need to look through the paperwork before I can say that. I don't know as I haven't looked at it yet. She pulled at face at that. Queue a conflab with a supervisor and the answer........."no we will write to you"

I ask if I can then ring up and pay by card?".............."no we don't have that facility you have to send a cheque"says the chap not looking up from his keyboard and in such a dismissive tone you would not believe this guy works on a front desk serving customers.

Now my dad is getting seriously wound up and reminds him he has had the paperwork for three weeks plus. "sorry I am in the middle of something here......"

My Dad who is the nicest bloke and never speaks up is now getting seriously wound up and I can hear his voice breaking up so I dragged him out f there with the two women looking at us and you could tell get were embarrassed at this blokes attitude.

I nearly lost it and should have asked to speak to a supervisor but decided to come away and ring up to speak to someone.

That chap is a bloody time for the whole appointment? 12 minutes.

Oh and we asked for a time scale on him contacting us..........."depends I have lots of other things to do......"

Unf###ing believable.

rb968 - 5/10/11 at 04:05 PM

Mike was right. You cannot call the local office or speak to a complaints department at Swansea. Got the managers name at Carlisle. Letter in the post first class for her to see tomorrow. Apparently I should expect a response within 10 days.

Who wants to wager that is covered by a Thankyou for your letter....letter.

Still fuming.....


myke pocock - 5/10/11 at 05:44 PM

Rich, If it is of any help at all I will copy all my stuff that I have about carlisle and send it to you. Send me your address if you want. Just to add another Carlisle tale. I had to give them some information that I put in an envelope and decided to drop off at the office. (or should that be orrofice with these numpties???) Went in and got my numbered ticket, when my time comes I go to the desk and say can you pass that to Mr T. Osspot. No says number 2 Osspot, you will have to put it in the postbox outside, I cannot take anything over the counter. Now if its a letter bomb (DONT tempt me ) surely Numpty 3 will be de-digitted when they empty the letter box so why not accept it over the counter? Perhaps I should scan ALL my Carlisle stuff and put it on here?

rb968 - 5/10/11 at 05:58 PM

To be honest it might just be too depressing!! Oh how I wished I had spoken to you before I went there. Should have gone to Preston instead.

My dad hasn't stopped talking about I since we got back. This really should not b the hard bit.

If I need anything I will send you a u2u Myke.
