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IVA pass Norwich!
L5W - 5/4/12 at 10:57 AM

Took the car in for the test this morning and came away with an IAC certificate!

Didn't get off to a good start having failed the emissions, but turned out it was set to the CAT test limits. Retested on the non-cat test limits and passed.
Also, on the drive over, noticed the speedo was fluctuating quite a bit so knocked three of the four magnets off the drive shaft when I arrived leaving just one. This cured it.
My tester was Dennis who was great and helped put my nerves at ease

Thanks for all the help and advice on here, it definitely got me through the test!

I'm now off to harass Norwich DVLA for a registration number



stevec - 5/4/12 at 11:16 AM

Well done, and a great time of year to do it.


HowardB - 5/4/12 at 11:17 AM


Norfolkluegojnr - 5/4/12 at 11:19 AM

well done! will keep my eyes peeled and give you a wave if i see you.

look out for a red A4 or a yellow Striker flashing wildly

loggyboy - 5/4/12 at 11:20 AM

First time pass? Well done!

wombat - 5/4/12 at 11:41 AM

Great news lee, definately calling to see you now!

Bumble - 5/4/12 at 12:41 PM

Congratulations Lee, enjoy it but go steady when you get your plates!!

Proby - 5/4/12 at 12:41 PM

Congratulations! Well done!

russbost - 5/4/12 at 01:28 PM

Congrats - just go steady for the first few (hundred) miles!

L5W - 5/4/12 at 01:42 PM

cheers all

I've just got back from Norwich DVLA. I took all the relevant paperwork with me and they want to see an MOT certificate - argh! Oh well, as its a required test, at least its another (legal) drive out in the car! I've got next week off so I should be able to get the MOT done fairly quick. The DVLA couldn't confirm whether they'll need to do an inspection or what the timescale would be if an inspection is definitely needed. I'll just have to be patient!

There were a couple of things I was allowed to adjust during the IVA test, one of the headlamps needed a little twisting round for alignment and for the noise test, I changed the declaration for engine rpm where max power is obtained from 6000 to 5500 to get under the noise limit (I thought the second adjustment was pretty decent of the examiner!)

Norfolkluegojnr - where abouts are you in Norwich? I'm based in Sprowston.

wombat - welcome to have a look round when you're in the area - Let me know and I'll get the kettle on!


loggyboy - 5/4/12 at 01:45 PM

An Mot test? but its a just passed IVA, I can understand the grey area of MoT after 3 years with kits, but asking for one now seems rediculous. Try another DVLA office!

Daddylonglegs - 5/4/12 at 02:06 PM

Congrats! Just in time for the long-hot-summer we're bound to have

I agree with loggyboy, how can they need an MOT after it's just come out of the IVA??

Go for another DVLA mate.

Norfolkluegojnr - 5/4/12 at 02:07 PM

Strumpshaw, near Brundall. Not far - ive got some relatives in Sprowston, not far from the Tesco's!

I think there are a few of us in the local area now. perhaps a regional LCB run out?

JeffJeffers - 5/4/12 at 02:13 PM

Well done. It does seem stupid that you need an MOT when it was IVA'ed that day.

Sent my IVA paper work off yesterday.

adithorp - 5/4/12 at 03:45 PM

They're wrng about the MOT! It's a new car and doesn't need one for three years even if it is built with donor parts. Thats what IVA is for. Ask them to check because you know hundreds of people who have registered kits without one.

L5W - 5/4/12 at 06:10 PM

I hear what you're saying about the MOT, I challenged it with two staff members when I was there but they were adamant about it being needed. It was like speaking to a machine. If it means I get my plates quicker and for another £30 for the mot then I'm happy enough get a certificate for them, even though it does seem completely bonkers!


loggyboy - 5/4/12 at 07:26 PM

Accept that once its in the system you will have to MoT it every year, where as you should be given 3 years grace. I would ring them on Tuesday, or ring swansea maybe to see if they could offer advice?

L5W - 23/5/12 at 05:01 PM

I just thought I’d provide some entertainment with how I’m getting on with Norwich DVLA in registering my car. (I just need to vent really)

5th April
Pass IVA
Visited Norwich DVLA to register the car.
Was told I needed an MOT (even though contrary to my understanding, I agree to it as I just want to get on the road)
Paid the £55 registration fee and £121 for 6 months road tax.

10th April
Passed MOT test (surprisingly)
Visited Norwich DVLA again, to hand over the MOT certificate.
Asked if they could tell me at this stage whether they’ll want to carry out an inspection – answer “don’t know”
Asked if they do want to carry out an inspection, when this would likely be, one week, two weeks etc.. answer “don’t know”
Walk out of DVLA office a bit miffed

14th April
Received inspection appointment letter. Appointment date set for 10th May
Bit gutted having to wait a month for an inspection….

Some other date in April
I want to know whether its legal to drive to the inspection so call 2gether insurance to ask, they say yes.
I want to double check the DVLA’s take on this but note I can’t phone the local office directly so I speak to DVLA in Swansea instead. They say “no”. Fair enough, I’ll take a morning off work and get it trailered there to avoid any legal problems.

10th May
Inspection carried out, took all of 5 mins.
Also bumped into a mate at the inspection who I’ve not seen for years who is in the process of registering his landrover forward control!
Asked the inspector how long it will now take to receive the registration docs. Answer – “best case scenario two days, but normally about a week”.

18th May
No reg docs received to date.
Leave work early to visit Norwich DVLA again to ask whats happening. Answer “This is very specialised work and the only staff member we have who deals with these registrations, the same person who carries out the inspections, has been off sick this week and we’re only allocated a small amount of time to work on these cases, and we can only use this time when there are no general tasks to do”.
Me - Is there anyone here else, other than the usual inspector that can help? – No
Me - Since I’m here now, is there anything that can done so I walk out of here with my docs? – No
Me - When are you expecting the inspector back? - Don’t know.
She does, however, put my case file to the top of the pile.
I walk out empty handed.

19th May
Was at a wedding and bumped into mate again with the landrover. I mentioned to him he probably won’t receive his reg docs yet as the DVLA inspector has been off sick. He says he received his reg docs on the 16th, (the same time the Norwich inspector was supposed to be off ill, so who at the DVLA sent his reg docs out?! Starting to feel like the DVLA are fobbing me off)

23rd May
Two weeks since inspection and getting really hacked off now.
Phone Swansea (as I can’t call the local office) to ask how long it’ll be to receive my docs. They arrange for the Norwich office to call me back this afternoon
Norwich office calls “There is no set timescale on these sorts of registrations but we’ll try and look at it tomorrow or Friday”
Me – “so I can expect my documents by Saturday”
Them – “there’s no guarantee”

So, seven weeks and still counting. At this rate I'll miss driving to the Newark show as well as Stoneleigh. The “no set timescale” statement bothers me. If I order and pay for a pizza, I normally expect to it delivered the same evening, not to have to chase them up and be told it might be with you the next day but there is no guarantee. If no docs arrive this Saturday I’ll be launching a complaint via Swansea, 1) for taking so long and 2) for wasting nearly two months of my insurance.

I think thats enough ranting from me for now! In terms of registration timescales, have I beaten any records yet?


wombat - 23/5/12 at 05:19 PM

Lee, totally unacceptable, I would be on to Swansea again to
Tomorrow and again Friday, why wait? We brits don't complain about bad service enough!

40inches - 24/5/12 at 08:44 AM

Originally posted by wombat
Lee, totally unacceptable, I would be on to Swansea again to
Tomorrow and again Friday, why wait? We brits don't complain about bad service enough!

Complain! don't think about it, do it!
Complaint form
Information leaflet

[Edited on 24-5-12 by 40inches]

L5W - 25/5/12 at 04:49 PM

Phoned DVLA swansea again this afternoon to ask whether they could find out if Norwich had actually processed my registration. In a nutshell they told me to call back on monday. Complaint filed. Completely fed up with the apparent lack of any commitment whatsoever to do what I've paid them to do.

Wombat, its not looking like we'll be going out for that drive out in my indy that I promised for this monday


L5W - 29/5/12 at 08:47 PM

I received my registration docs through from the DVLA today (finally) so I'm a happy bunny again, plus I got the age related plate I'd hoped for.

Have clocked up 20 miles or so this evening along the back roads round here and now relaxing with a beer to celebrate! I'm now hoping for good weather for the bank holiday weekend

