I have been heading down the route of getting a shiny new registration, but think I might have misunderstood
my understanding was that all parts had to be new/refurbished except 1 component
having re read it appears is all parts had to be new except 1 refurbished component
my plan had been to refurb or buy new where possible and to that I have 2 doners if you like
Sierra front uprights - fully refurbed including shot blasting
Sierra front hubs - fully refurbed including shot blasting
Sierra rear hubs - fully refurbed and shot blasted
Sierra Prop - modified so I believe technically new
Sierra Diff - shot blasted and painted (looks new )
Sierra Steering Rack - modified so again I believe technically new
Sierra Steering Column - modified as above
Suzuki Hayabusa Engine
so I presumed that I could use the engine as the 1 component and the fact I had refurbished everything, every serviceable item on everything from the
sierra has been replaced. somethings like the sierra calipers I bought brand new, and the rear bearing carriers I got some nice alu ones
in my eyes that fit the criteria but im not so sure now?
Its all about recipets, thats pretty much all the DVLA will look at. You need to prove they are new, and the 1 part that is recon'd to 'as
Amazing what excel and some photocopying can produce
You will almost certainly be allocated a Q plate not a new registration, as you don't meet the criteria! But it's only a number get it on the road and enjoy!
so just to confirm a bit more
its not decided at my IVA test, its decided afterward when i goto the DVLA?
Originally posted by MikeFellows
so just to confirm a bit more
its not decided at my IVA test, its decided afterward when i goto the DVLA?