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Christmas present from VOSA - IVA pass
Bizarro - 24/12/12 at 01:19 PM

Successfully through IVA this morning, now just need to wait until Thursday for the DVLA to open and hopefully get the car registered.

Car at Nottingham test centre this morning
pre iva
pre iva

Few pics of car pre test
pre iva
pre iva

pre iva
pre iva

pre iva
pre iva

pre iva
pre iva

pre iva
pre iva

This is my first build and I must say the inspector at the test centre was really helpful, a pleasurable experience.

Might think about changing that sierra steering wheel now!

jacko - 24/12/12 at 01:25 PM

Congratulations that's a nice Christmas present for you

coozer - 24/12/12 at 01:27 PM

Well done, looks really nice.

No comments about the Dominator headlights?

perksy - 24/12/12 at 01:37 PM

Originally posted by coozer
Well done, looks really nice.

No comments about the Dominator headlights?

Just thinking the same thing myself

Congratulations on the pass, Nice christmas present

Bizarro - 24/12/12 at 01:50 PM


No comments/problems with the headlights. I have turned the lenses slightly so the beam kicks up a bit to the left and I moved them forward from the original mountings so the lens could be seen from the side view. Inspector didnt really mention them.

MsD - 24/12/12 at 04:14 PM


Any issues that where mentioned?


inkafone - 24/12/12 at 04:42 PM

Well done - nice wheels.........

Bizarro - 24/12/12 at 04:48 PM

Originally posted by inkafone
Well done - nice wheels.........

Thanks Ken

big_l - 24/12/12 at 04:50 PM

well done

stay safe out there

andy188 - 24/12/12 at 04:57 PM

great, well done, wont b long till on the road,

adithorp - 24/12/12 at 05:54 PM

nice one!

renetom - 24/12/12 at 05:59 PM

Well done
Great feeling isn't it
Wonderful Xmas presi

Bizarro - 24/12/12 at 07:09 PM

Thanks, certainly is a good feeling + thanks to all locosters for helping me get this far..

Stott - 24/12/12 at 07:17 PM

Haha! nice one! doesn't it feel great!!!

Congrats, hopefully reg will go as well as it did for me, I had the plates within 6 days (obviously you have bank hols to contend with)

Well done again!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS: My date of first reg is 12/12/12

Valtra - 25/12/12 at 12:21 AM

Nice car . Best Christmas ever eh!!!