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couple of helmet problems
daniel mason - 28/3/13 at 08:34 PM

i have got my helmet and race gear now and got measured for the helmet.its a perfect fir width ways but it appears my head is short and fat
if i quiclkly turn my head left-right-left it slightly pulls on my scalp but if i tip it forward-back-forward it slides forward on my head,(as if the chin strap wont pull tight enough when tight). if i wear a hood it fits absolutely perfect but i fear this will afferct the fire rating is there anything i can do to slightly pack out the top of the helmet?
also the visor steams up every time i breathe through my mouth but not if i breathe through my nose. this is not good if i get excited and breathe out through the mouth, is there anything i can do about this?
helmet is a great quality bell xfm classic

r1_pete - 28/3/13 at 08:42 PM

How about a fire retardant under helmet? not as thick as a hood, but may help, and won't effect scrutineering.

mark chandler - 28/3/13 at 09:07 PM

Visor is easy, keep it a tad open until you start then flick fully closed, once you are moving the airflow should keep it clear.

You can also get posh stuff to rub on the inside to lessen the steaming affect or try a lemon, potato or just polish with pledge !

daniel mason - 28/3/13 at 09:18 PM

the under helmet balaclavas are too thin to make much difference although i had thought of one as well.i was thinking of taking 10mm out ot the chin strap to tighten it but didnt want to be pulled in scrutineering!
does polish keep the visor clear?

Andy S - 28/3/13 at 10:46 PM

Get a double skin anti mist visor - google dual pane visor images.

[Edited on 28/3/13 by Andy S]

snapper - 29/3/13 at 06:48 AM

I would email the manufacturer, they will have come across this problem before