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Will the SVA Laws change?
Chris Green - 4/10/04 at 04:27 PM

Hello all,

I was wondering if anyone had any information regarding the future of the SVA test in the UK?

I am worried that if I build a car over the next 2 years or so, that at the end of it, the law would have changed, and I won't be able to road register it?

I'm sure this has been discussed before at some point?



scoobyis2cool - 4/10/04 at 04:37 PM

I think the way it works is that your car will be SVA'd in accordance with the SVA regulations when you started building. You may need some proof of when you started your build but once you've begun the new regulations won't affect you.

This is how I understand it, but don't take that as gospel


Ben_Copeland - 4/10/04 at 06:42 PM

Never heard of that before... theydidn't even have SVA when i started mine !! Cant believe they'd allow menot to have one

James - 6/10/04 at 11:56 AM

I'm led to believe that when it was first brought in they allowed people who hadn't finished in time to go without (provided they had evidence). I think this is what Hicost did- he'd started but not finished. May have that confused with someone else though.

You can't do this anymore.

As for doing away with it- well in that case every manufacturer would have to get type approval (at the moment it's only for production of more than 200). This is prohibitively expensive as it includes crash testing of several cars. This would kill off the small production companies (Ariel etc.) so I doubt it would happen.

There was a small article about SVA in this weeks Sunday Times driving section- it made no mention of it ending. It may well get a little harder to pass though- wouldn't surprise me if emissions regs tightened up or something.

Just use it as inspiration to get on with your car!



Chris Green - 6/10/04 at 12:28 PM

Thanks James.

Unfortunately it isn't inspiration I require, it is money!

I'm getting there though. slowly



James - 6/10/04 at 02:05 PM

Hey, what you worried about- it's only 250quid you gotta find- few evenings working at Mcdonalds!


bob - 6/10/04 at 02:21 PM

James are you sure your not getting McDonalds mixed up with Mclarens

James - 6/10/04 at 02:26 PM

That'd be the one!
