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DVLA after IVA
pekwah1 - 15/7/13 at 09:17 AM

Hi Guys,

What do we need to do after IVA to get on the road?
I know we obviously have to apply for a V5, and that they may want to inspect the car.

So after the IVA, can i just turn up to a DVLA office without appointment with the relevant forms and ask them to do it there and then?


daniel mason - 15/7/13 at 09:36 AM

sometimes yes,sometimes no. depends on dvla branch your attending. some are a real pain in the arse!

iank - 15/7/13 at 09:41 AM

Also be aware that you cannot drive it to the DVLA unlike to VOSA.

Stupid but true.

pekwah1 - 15/7/13 at 09:48 AM

Can i not stop at the office if it's on my way home?

Macbeast - 15/7/13 at 10:27 AM

You may find, as at Maidstone, that there is only one person who does the tests and it's only on one day of the week so you have to make an appointment.

iank - 15/7/13 at 10:46 AM

Originally posted by pekwah1
Can i not stop at the office if it's on my way home?

Yes, but if they won't inspect on the spot you're in for a trailer back to their office for approx 30sec's work.

40inches - 15/7/13 at 11:44 AM

It's a huge lottery! Depends on the office/person handling the application, I would allow 4-6 weeks but hope for the best.
If it needs an inspection, talk to the examiner, mine had a word with the office and I got mine within an hour after inspection.

Should say that they are being made redundant, so no incentive to be helpful

[Edited on 15-7-13 by 40inches]

James - 15/7/13 at 12:21 PM

As others have said, depends on the office.

My office sent someone to do the inspection about 6 weeks before SVA.

I then drove home from the SVA via the office and did the paperwork.

I had already had a few conversation with my 'case officer' and buttered her up as much as possible.


kimbo1982 - 15/7/13 at 04:13 PM

Sorry to bring you bad news but the DVLA are no longer handling applications at local offices, you can take your paperwork there and make the payment but the local office will then send your application to Swansea. This is as of last week.
I have had an absolute nightmare with trying to get my registration and tax and I'm still waiting for them to even look at my application after having it for nearly 3 weeks now.
Hope you have better luck than me!

daveb666 - 15/7/13 at 04:22 PM

If this is he case what happens with the vehicle inspection?

kimbo1982 - 15/7/13 at 05:23 PM

Not sure yet as I have not got that far! I have made several complaints to the DVLA after being fobbed off many times mainly due to employee incompetence but keep being told the supervisor dealing with my application is not available. I have been promised I phone call tomorrow to let me know what is going on and what the process is from now.
I'll let you know what happens!

renetom - 15/7/13 at 05:25 PM

We had to take our car to Brighton DVLA office for inspection by appointment
before the IVA test, all went well & gave us a VIN number at the same time.
They were extremely helpful, after the IVA test went down there the following day
to register and they did it all there & then , got the number plates on the way home.
Give them a ring first & ask for Steve, the most helpful guy in the world
Good luck

theprisioner - 15/7/13 at 05:46 PM

I was told they do not do build up inspections any more, they did not do one on mine. The inspector did indicate however he should have looked at the engine and gearbox because they were refurbished but he did not bother. The office in Edinburgh was closing and they are doing all this by mail only from now on. The plan is to transfer kit car first registrations to VOSA.

40inches - 15/7/13 at 07:01 PM

Originally posted by theprisioner
The plan is to transfer kit car first registrations to VOSA.

Oh! That's ok then

-matt - 15/7/13 at 09:01 PM

They shouldn't require an inspection from DVLA anymore. I applied dropped by Bristol on way back from IVA filled a few forms, gave a few receipts. 2 days later I had a new registration through the post.

daveb666 - 16/7/13 at 08:01 AM

I can understand that things will change and all registrations may now need to be sent to Swansea; but I don't get how they can change a process that may/may not have an inspection in it without knowing where that will be done if the DVLA offices aren't able to anymore.

rdodger - 16/7/13 at 09:29 AM

I spoke to the IVA inspector yesterday at Chadderton about this.

He told me there was a proposal for VOSA to carry out the registration inspection. He also told me they wouldn't be doing it unless they could charge for it. He didn't know who would be expected to pay for it.

He did agree that cars that have been IVA'd (ie kit cars) didn't require an inspection to be registered, only rebuilt cars etc.

I dropped my paperwork off yesterday for registration. They seemed to think that they would deal with it but imported cars were being passed to Swansea and other stuff was being transferred all the time. I got the impression that they didn't really know or care!

kimbo1982 - 16/7/13 at 04:25 PM

Finally got my registration confirmed over the phone today and paperwork is now in the post.
It has taken Swansea almost 3 weeks to get to this point, something a local office could of delt with much quicker I feel.
No inspection required though!