Had my SVA retest this morning and go through no trouble. It took him about 5 minutes to check everything over and I left before my appointment
Of course, we all know that nothing goes that smoothly... on the way home I was coming up to some traffic lights and the bracket holding my clutch
cable to the pedal sheared off and left me stuck in neutral! Had to push it round the corner, rip half the car apart and bodge it back together.
Just glad to be back home now! Gotta start preparing for my DVLA inspection tomorrow now...
Well done matey
Good feeling, ain't it!
Well done mate. You are not alone in the clutch cable department next is the bonnet flying off and then running out of fuel at the busiest
roundabout in the rush hour!!!!!!!!!!
You all know who you are.! lol
My time is soon to come!!!!!!!!
[Edited on 18-10-04 by mangogrooveworkshop]
You forgot to mention the 'rite of passage' for all Locost owners - snapping a front wing stay!!
Has happened to almost everyone in Yorkshire group!