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Iva Passed 2day
axle - 5/3/14 at 07:54 PM

Hi all

I have passed my Iva today, a very big massive thanks to all of you, it was all the hints and advise from you guys it sail through, so thanks again.

So how do I go about registration now?


daniel mason - 5/3/14 at 08:09 PM

well done mate!

corrado vr6 - 5/3/14 at 08:33 PM

Well done!

You have to go online to DVLA website and order the forms, can't remember there names but do a search on here and you will find a list of the forms you need

rash12 - 5/3/14 at 09:08 PM

well done mate

madteg - 5/3/14 at 10:35 PM

Let the fun begin. (Well done mate.)

DavidM - 6/3/14 at 12:34 AM

Good job, well done!

It's always good to see another Locost completed and passing.

It would be rude not to post piccies.


axle - 6/3/14 at 10:11 AM

Hi all
Thank for all the compliment, as for the registration it looks like I shall have to fill v55/5.
So what is the answer to?
1. Wheel plan?
2. Type of body?
3. Does the date original registration, means the date for the donor car?
