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Engine age proff for pre cat
mk85 - 23/9/14 at 08:13 AM

Am slowly getting through my build on my kitcar. Ive started to keep a file off paper works of the bits ive bought nuts bolts and stearing components ect ect.
Now my engine is a 1993 and how do I go about provong this when I get to my iva. Would photos of it beeing taken from the car and a writen reciet be acepted?

leon51274 - 23/9/14 at 08:29 AM

If its a ford then you can write a letter to ford technical department with the engine number and they will reply with a date of manufacture.

mcerd1 - 24/9/14 at 08:28 AM

^^ what he said, you normally need a letter from the manufacturer to prove its age