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Kit car registration show stopper!
SylvaJ15-02 - 7/11/14 at 10:53 AM

Now the local DVLA offices have closed, registration of a new vehicle at DVLA Swansea should be easy .......

So, when I started my J15 build 5 years ago, I had it in mind to retain all records to ensure the car would be eligible for an age related number place. I purchase a Puma with an MOT and tax, (registered it in my name) removed the major parts I needed and sold on the rest to a guy wanting to convert it into a Cosworth powered 4WD rally car. All parts to build the J15 were either brand new or from the Puma.

A few weeks ago the car passed the IVA and I sent off all the receipts (recorded delivery), forms, money etc to the DVLA and heard nothing. So, I called the nice people in Wales and was told that although all the docs I had sent over were in order, there was a problem with my registration request and it had been put on hold pending a decision from senior management.

They told me that the DVLA work on the premise that when a car is stripped of major components, it will be scrapped and the V5 from the donor vehicle voided. In my case, the Puma is still in use on the road and had been sold on again. They also said this is the first case they’ve had of this type since they took over from the local DVLA offices and hence don’t know what to do.

Has anyone had similar experience – if so how was it resolved?

I’m still waiting for the DVLA’s response

daveb666 - 7/11/14 at 11:02 AM

When you say 'age-related' number plate do you mean a NEW reg (i.e. 64 plate?)

If so then assuming you've filled the form in correctly??


All have to be BRAND NEW apart from ONE which can be re-conditioned. Assuming that at LEAST the gearbox and engine from the Puma were used then that means you're on a q-plate - even if both were reconditioned you can only have 1.

[Edited on 7/11/14 by daveb666]

loggyboy - 7/11/14 at 11:11 AM

If by age related you mean based on the age of the Donor, then of course you would need the v5 from the donor. If you sold the donor on (with the v5) then you cant use that as your donor! This is not new and has always been the case.

You don't 'scrap' the donor car, you SORN it and strip it, Then when registering the kit , the DVLA process the old registration as scrapped, and your kit is given a new plate, based on the age of the donor.

If you didn't give up the v5, then the bloke you sold it off must have applied for it. Which would be odd and you would have to go through the long winded process of trying to argue with the DVLA and him.

Best option, withdraw your application, buy a cheap puma (or even try to buy a v5 ) then use that v5/car as your donor for a new application.

Either that or accept a Q plate.

[Edited on 7-11-14 by loggyboy]

mcerd1 - 7/11/14 at 11:46 AM

^^^ what loggyboy said

your only allowed an age related plate as you are scraping one car to make another - so you need its V5c as part of the application

Q plates aren't that bad though - you won't be able to use a personal plate, but you also won't need to pass any metered emissions test at your future MOT's either and Q plates don't hurt the value of most kitcars the same way they do with tin-tops

adithorp - 7/11/14 at 12:09 PM

To get a donor cars age related reg that donor is scrapped as part of the registration process. Normally the actual shell is broken up earlier and just the docs and vin plates retainedand the car SORN'd (so on paper the car still exists) until the registration process.

As a result of selling the car... You don't have a donor car, as that car is still on the road. Effectivly you've just used some second hand bits (being all from one source doesn't matter) and will get a Q plate.

Never heard of anybody else doing the same thing. Maybe DVLA management will make a one off decision to give you a age related but I doubt it. You're build doesn't meet the requirements for age related and so issuing a Q plate is the normal option open to them.

[Edited on 7/11/14 by adithorp]

Jenko - 7/11/14 at 12:48 PM

Im hoping I don't have the same issue....exactly the same situation, but I ended up scrapping the Puma, and I sent the scrap form off to the dvla.

I was hoping for an age (same as puma) plate as eventually I would like to put a privateplate on the car.

Slimy38 - 7/11/14 at 01:15 PM

Originally posted by Jenko
Im hoping I don't have the same issue....exactly the same situation, but I ended up scrapping the Puma, and I sent the scrap form off to the dvla.

I was hoping for an age (same as puma) plate as eventually I would like to put a privateplate on the car.

Unfortunately because you've scrapped it, you're in the same position in that you don't have a V5 to hand in at IVA time.

Mr Whippy - 7/11/14 at 01:17 PM

You might as well have taken parts of a shelf or found them in a breakers yard, there's no way you'd be able to claim age related anything if the original donor is still on the road, you can't use its identity for another car.

If that was the case folk would be buying up all sorts of old bits and sticking it on to their cars to try and get reduced emission MOTs and no Q plate.

rednop1980 - 7/11/14 at 01:33 PM

im very interested in this as im about to take engine out of donor car I was then going to sell the donor rolling chassis complete but will wait to see how this turns out before I do anything

Slimy38 - 7/11/14 at 01:42 PM

Originally posted by rednop1980
im very interested in this as im about to take engine out of donor car I was then going to sell the donor rolling chassis complete but will wait to see how this turns out before I do anything

You'll just end up with a Q plate.

whitestu - 7/11/14 at 02:09 PM

It's not impossible to get an age related plate if you scrapped the donor. I know because that is what I did.

I argued that this was the correct way to do things (i.e inform DVLA that I had scrapped the donor) as that was in fact what had happened!

I had kept a copy of the V5 though.

After a bit of arguing I got an age related plate, though I've no idea why I bothered now as a Q plate seems to have some advantages!


ashg - 7/11/14 at 07:29 PM

Sorry i have to say it's your own fault. you should have scrapped it cut the vins out then sold it on. It's been discussed plenty on here.

Chances are now that you will get a q plate. It's not the end of the world you can't see it when your driving

steve m - 7/11/14 at 08:05 PM

as Ash said above, or else you could by a Dutton on ebay ?

Jenko - 12/11/14 at 03:59 PM

Originally posted by Slimy38
Originally posted by Jenko
Im hoping I don't have the same issue....exactly the same situation, but I ended up scrapping the Puma, and I sent the scrap form off to the dvla.

I was hoping for an age (same as puma) plate as eventually I would like to put a privateplate on the car.

Unfortunately because you've scrapped it, you're in the same position in that you don't have a V5 to hand in at IVA time.

But I have the scrapage slip from the V5, and a copy of the V5, they should be able to see that on thier records......I hope!.

SylvaJ15-02 - 28/11/14 at 10:05 AM

WHOOO HOOOO - I got a call today to let me know I've been issued with an age related plate!

bad news is that the cheque I sent through is £2.50 short and they don't take payments over the phone, so I need to send another cheque .......... apparently they're getting dial up Internet in Wales soon !

leon51274 - 28/11/14 at 10:09 AM

Originally posted by SylvaJ15-02
WHOOO HOOOO - I got a call today to let me know I've been issued with an age related plate!

bad news is that the cheque I sent through is £2.50 short and they don't take payments over the phone, so I need to send another cheque .......... apparently they're getting dial up Internet in Wales soon !

Thats exactly what I did, couldn't believe that i had to send another cheque for £2.50, it held up the registration by best part of 2 weeks!

Jenko - 28/11/14 at 10:59 AM

And to confirm.....My J15 also came through on an age related plate. No questions asked from the DVLA. I too sent the wrong amount to start off with.

Jenko - 28/11/14 at 11:00 AM

P.S. please, please can we see some pics of your J15, there are very few around. What colour, engine , etc.

SylvaJ15-02 - 28/11/14 at 01:49 PM

I've not got any photos post the IVA mods ..... I was going to wait for the rain to stop, so maybe in the spring time

The car is dark green with yellow strike stripe and roll bar - lotus-esk

it's 1.7 puma based on throttle bodies