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Can I call the make and model what I like?
Piooly - 25/3/15 at 05:53 PM

Building a Haynes roadster from scratch and going for new reg. Question is when I submit paperwork for iva test etc I have to write down the make and model. Do I have to call it a Haynes roadster or can I put what I like?

So far the car is branded as - Seven RV8

So I was thinking of having the maker/brand as - Seven and then the model as - RV8

Can I do this? Don't see why not....

coozer - 25/3/15 at 05:58 PM

Yes, make up a name for your car company and a model. Try to keep it individual to strike a pose...

Is Seven not copyright?

davidimurray - 25/3/15 at 08:20 PM

Yup you can put down what ever you like. Mine is to the Haynes Roadster design so I went for Murray 7 Roadster

Piooly - 26/3/15 at 09:38 AM

great !!

will have to check on Seven being copyright....

Maybe I will call the model Seven RV8 and I can think of a brand name instead....

cheers boys!

907 - 26/3/15 at 11:15 AM

Actually, I think that a "Seven Eight" has a bit of a ring to it.

Mine's a Suttol 7 btw. I was going to call it a Sutol (Lotus backwards) and pronounce it subtle,

but Mr Jenkins kept calling it a Sooooooooo tol.

Paul G

ctwv50 - 26/3/15 at 02:25 PM

Mines a Watson Super 7. Haha My surname and it is a 7 replica and to me it is super. Super unbelievable that I finished it and will hopefully be driving it on the road soon.

theduck - 26/3/15 at 02:44 PM

On a scratch build I would name whatever I fancied, but where it is a kit I think it is important to use the manufacturers name.

Piooly - 26/3/15 at 03:40 PM

Originally posted by theduck
On a scratch build I would name whatever I fancied, but where it is a kit I think it is important to use the manufacturers name.


with mine being a Haynes design but with some serious changes to it, chassis changes to bring the v8 closer to the center of the car and wishbones are all rose jointed on the outside for geo adjustment. Bodywork has extensive work, my own design of roll cage and interior its far from a book Haynes so I am going to give it my own name.