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contact at DVLA for reporting falsified documents
alfas - 13/7/17 at 09:09 AM

is there a contact email at DVLA for sending them a possibly falsified document?

russbost - 13/7/17 at 10:05 AM

I think 0300 123 9000 should do it, somewhere around option 6 IIRC

alfas - 13/7/17 at 12:51 PM

its not about a MOT certificate...its about a certificate about the age & history of a was issued by mr. photoshop from a dealer, to cover that the car was a ringer.

WallerZero - 13/7/17 at 01:35 PM

Correct me if I'm wrong but surely that's a job on 101 for the police to deal with?

Mr Whippy - 13/7/17 at 01:54 PM

Originally posted by WallerZero
Correct me if I'm wrong but surely that's a job on 101 for the police to deal with?

I think your right, fraud isn't it. Quite bad for a dealer too.

gremlin1234 - 13/7/17 at 06:26 PM

if it is a dealer issuing fraudulent documents, then I am sure that the teams at
National Vehicle Crime Intelligence Service

would be interested,
however, they don't talk to the public..., so you have to register it through your local police, (and then probably recommend they contact navcis )

owelly - 13/7/17 at 09:14 PM

I've had more DVLA dealings than most folks and it's true to say, they're crap. They don't want to know about illegal documentation or fraudulent use unless the reportee is the registered keeper....then they can't decide what can and can't be done about it. The plod can't be arsed unless they catch an offender in the act and they can find a watertight prosecution without too much hassle.

alfas - 14/7/17 at 12:10 AM

unfortunately the dealer is outside UK...and the local police does not get any intra-EU help

means, the claimant has to investigate and support them.
so we need a contact at DVLA.

the facts are:

a letter / fax with DVLA logo is existing, where the DVLA gives a wirtten statement about the age of the car. (date of 1st reg)
the interesting thing is that the letter is issued based on a VIN number, not on the registration-number.

and even the VIN was a "fantasy" number, which never existed in reality.

[Edited on 14/7/17 by alfas]