Copy of letter sent to my MP. If we all did it ? Jim
Ahoy !
During the current Covid 'confinement to barracks' I am pressing on with my kit car, an NG TC V8 (replica Aston Martin). I am sure you are
'au fait' with the technique of recycling an old saloon car and rebuilding the components onto a new chassis in the style of a vintage
sports car. The finished product having to be tested under the Individual Vehicle Approval scheme at a cost of some £580
My 'build' has reached the point where I am constructing the wiring loom and need to incorporate provision for 'Side Repeater
Lights' The IVA Manual, normally clear and unambiguous, has a serious omission which is being interpreted 'in absentia' by testing
centres incorrectly.
They are taking the Road Vehicle Lighting Regulations 1989 UK Statutory Instruments 1989 No. 1796 Schedule 7 which, of course, covers the modern
'box' shaped vehicle, not the vintage replica with individual cycle wings,. and imposing requirements which are sometimes dangerous and
mechanically/electrically suspect.. Specifically they are requiring the side repeater lights to be placed at the edge of the vehicle to comply with
the diagram at the foot of the statutory instrument. This means 'pinhead dancing' to fit lights on the front wings with attendant danger of
wiring conflicting with suspension components and dazzle due to their forward position. It would be much more sensible to revert to the original
specification with the lights placed on the body 'tub', preferably as high as possible, behind the driver. This would allow the light to be
seen by overtaking drivers, which is the main thrust of the regulations, surely ? The fact that they cannot be seen by someone lying in the road
behind the rear wheel is immaterial ! The bottom line, simply, is that they should be seen, 'when the front and rear indicator lights
The kit car industry is quite large, has a large export market and provides useful experience in the STEM subjects for future employment. Pass my
concerns to the appropriate department, please.
Jim Pailing
B.A. (Hons) Des. Tech.
Bless you Jim but I fear that you are on a hiding to nothing here. I’m afraid your MP will file that under “Thank f**k it’s not a total righty/lefty nutter or some poor desperate soul ‘sans’ pot to pi$$ in.”
Hopefully Boris etc will be debating this in parliament next week.
Wow,take some water with it is the phrase I believe.........
'Oh ye of little faith ?'
Being a 'boring old part', I have never ceased to be surprised at the ignorance of people who maintain they are experts in a particular
In this case I am sure, and there may be others, that the IVA is wrong. It is obvious to me that a side repeater light is better higher up, even if
it is partially masked by the rear wheel arch, than low down on a front wheel guard where it is less likely to be seen by the driver on the
other/offside of their vehicle.
I would expect that the former exemption, which I think was allowed in the former SVA for Lotus 7 type vehicles, has fallen off the page ?
I am informed that my letter has been forwarded to the appropriate minister.
As Mao Tse Tung said (I went to school with his son), 'longest journey starts with first step !' If even a small proportion of the LCB
Forum sent a 'copy and paste' version of my letter to their own MP we would stand a better chance ? 'Action this day !', said