Has anyone had any peculiar problems from the sva when they have built their own chassis i.e have they been asked for an engineers report etc. A freind has a robin hood and reckons that it may be a possibility any ideas ?
Not heard of anyone being asked. I suppose if it looks like it's held together with pigeon droppings you might get some problems though.
Guys let's not talk about RH
The engineers report was an insurance company requirement before the SVA came to be. It disappeared into the silt afterwards.
I was asked by the DVLA to provide a statement that I built the chassis to a (fairly) standard specification so I could get an age related plate, had
to declare I was a small scale manufacturer (well I've built 2!)
whar sort of statement ie. i built this chassis to the book spec etc and i am responsible if the welding fails and someone sues my ar*e off.
Yup something along those lines!
If I build another one (!!!) and call it a 'Bennett' like the other, I should get away with any statement.