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Seat Belt Harness on MK with Cobra 7 seats
MAB - 8/4/05 at 12:02 PM

Wondered if anyone can offer any advise - I virtually finished my build of an MK INDY - I've fitted a nice pair of Cobra 7 seats but someone recently pointed out that I will have problems as the top harness fix points are a few inches below the harness holes in the seats...

I'm aware that the seat belts need to be coming down onto the shoulder....

What are my options here? - is it a case of buying more fibre glass seats that are much lower or more seat belt harnesses that wrap around the roll bar behind the seat instead of anchoring in the MK mounts in the chasis? Even removing the seat runners will only lower the seats by an inch at the most.

Has anyone done anything different or got any other suggestions please?

Thanks Mark.

Jumpy Guy - 8/4/05 at 12:15 PM

You should be ok- the harness holes in the seat are considered the point of reference

providing the seat is manufactured to be used like that

mookaloid - 8/4/05 at 12:54 PM

This was a problem for my tester.

The fix was very easy just unbolted the belts and re routed them around the sides of the seats.

used the standard indy mounts.



MAB - 8/4/05 at 06:32 PM

Thats an excellent suggestion! - I hadn't thought of that - thanks for the info

Which test centre was this at? - was it the tester that suggested this or did you have them setup like this at the time?

Regards, Mark

david cromie - 11/4/05 at 11:06 PM

When i started to fit my belts the opening on the top of the seats was no where near the indy brackets. I welded in an other bar the same size as roll bar and made up mounts onto this bar. I was told that the inserts to hold the belts must go through the bar and be welded top and bottom. Looks well and very strong.Hope you understand. David