so i'm 19, been driving just under a year, and i want to give someone a sh*t load of money to insure my indy.
wtf will no one take it?
footman james want £1500 in a lump sum, for 4500 miles with a 1.6, and £600 excess. they don't do direct debit according to the lad at
stoneleigh! and i don't fancy a loan, just to pay off the insurance.
adrian flux say they won't cover me, for no particular reason.
graham sykes, osborne+sons, hall+clarke, and graham sykes all want me to be 21.
so what can i do? i ain't got that sort of money to throw at insurance at the mo, aswell as sva, registration, and the rest.
does anyone else under 21 know anything useful, more companies to try? ones that do directy debit preferably.
i just don't understand why when i was 18, i got similar quotes, but from flux and sykes as well.
i might miss summer at this rate!
please help, anybody
Go for 1500 mile option and buy a second speedo
Looking through my latest kit car mag most of the adverts require you to be 21 or more, some are even 25+. For some reason (and it has always been the
case) this is the age at which your insurance premiums drop considerably (as long as you havent had a claim)
I guess insurance companies figure that if you have been driving less than a year and you want to start driving a powerful rear wheel drive sports car
you will more than likely throw it off the road due to inexperience (im not saying you will and im sure you are a good driver, just trying to see it
the way the insurance co does).
Once you have been driving over a year (assuming you have your own policy) you will gain some valuable no claims which will drop any policy by around
I know I've not been much help...
sureterm - they wanted £450 ish for mine when i was 19.
give them a call.
all the best,
My solution (yet to be tried) when the time comes, is to get my farther insured as well. With any luck the preimuim won't change much, but I can then get some one else to contribute towards the insurance.
I don't think there is NCD on limited mileage policies so it will not make any difference if you can get someone to insure you as a named driver, but it may cause a problem if the car is insured in someone else's name and registered in yours
Im not sure about their age limits, but HIC have always been top-notch for me. I have been insured with them for the last 10 years.
01279 719933
Try Suretem (Sureterm?) Tom.
Me and Carl are with them.
I could always drive you round in your car if you like!
Just about the only good thing about getting old, had a quote at Stonleigh on Sunday from Footman James , myself , the other half and my younger brother (45) for a 1600cc luego 3,000 miles a year fuuly comp £158.55 excess£100.00. Makes me wonder if it is worth getting any more qoutes
weh hey!
rang footman james and got them to quote for their lowest mileage, 1500, and £810.60 it is.
should be able to get the indy sva'd before the end of next month now, apart from i've just signed myself up for a load of overtime, to pay
for the skyhigh insurance premium, so need more time.
if it's not one thing, it's another.
the problem i've had mainly is that all the companies that gave me a quote when i'd had a full licence 2 months won't touch me now,
purely because i'm not 21. what changed? bloody fickle lot they are!
anyway, i'm happy now
thanks for the pointers chaps
(fyi, sureterm want me to be 21 now, although they gave the best quote last year
clbarclay, putting your dad on the policy will make no difference to cost, but is wise because if not, when he drives it, he'd only be covered
third party. no ncd is accrued or accounted for on limited mileage policies according to footman james)
I did the quote thing this weekend too..
Me in the 3.5Litre Viento, and the wife (2nd driver).
£222 for the year, with £100 excess.
It included Legal protection, and European Breakdown Recovery!! (but no homestart)
My 17 yer old son has been quoted £1000 (not Footman J), Him only driving, Size Limit of 1300cc (Hmmm... Thinks BIKE!! )
Catch is.. HE has to own it, and be sole driver. 5k miles per year
They wont do Parent/Child on the insurance, it more than both of us put together. I assume its to stop cheap insurance via your dad etc.
Larger sized engines went up with a logarithmic response
Still not that bad for a 17 year old on a provisional licence!!
Cheapest I have had offered was £167 for a locost with a 2.1 Pinto.
I cant complain even Saga could not match it!.
Originally posted by Peteff
I don't think there is NCD on limited mileage policies so it will not make any difference if you can get someone to insure you as a named driver, but it may cause a problem if the car is insured in someone else's name and registered in yours
Try Roadsure, i just got fully comp for me and my building chum for £150, 3000 miles per year.
Is it kit car insurance Joel? Daily runner is a different matter. My mate runs a Jeep Cherokee on a limited policy with the co-op but they won't
touch a kit car. They do monthly as well but no kit insurers do it as far as I know
[Edited on 5/5/05 by Peteff]
Pat you will get that £20 when you renew with them.
Pat'll do anything to make a couple of quid!
Originally posted by Avoneer
I could always drive you round in your car if you like!
having a second driver on the policy normally does reduce the quote - if the driver is safer than you.
One of my team used to write insurance s/w. As woman are safer than men, taking a policy with you and your wife should be cheaper than just you as the
risk is reduced when your wife drives!