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Modifying number plates but staying legal
givemethebighammer - 17/5/05 at 10:39 PM

I am trying to find a legal way of getting a front number plate on my tiger. I currently have a full sized stick on plate on the nose cone. As visible as this is, it is still not legal and an over zealous police man may still fine for it. There is very little space at the bottom of the nose cone to fit a full sized plate. However cutting a full sized one down as per picture below may do the trick.

What do you think ? Letters all legal size and spacing, BS mark still there. I can't find anything anywhere that states the number plate has to be certain dimensions. Only stuff on letter sizes, fonts and spacing.

? Rescued attachment plates.jpg
Rescued attachment plates.jpg

tri - 17/5/05 at 10:45 PM

phone your local police station and ask would be an idea but i could be wrong


scoobyis2cool - 17/5/05 at 10:50 PM

I don't see why that should be a problem, as you say the law only seems to deal with letter sizes, not the actual plate size.

I don't understand why you have to chop it in the first place? Plenty of people have fitted full sized plates. Here's an example I stole from Mookaloid's gallery :


scoobyis2cool - 17/5/05 at 10:52 PM

PS If you do decide to chop the plate down it might be worth getting something in writing from the local DVLA/police saying that it's ok to do so. That way if anyone questions it in future you can prove that you made all the necessary enquiries.


DaveFJ - 17/5/05 at 10:52 PM

If you can prove to the dvla that the car is not designed to take a full plate you can get permission to fit a slightly smaller one (the sizes are all laid down) dunno anyone who has got away with this though

rayward - 17/5/05 at 11:09 PM

from DVLA website

Number plates fitted after 1 September 2001 must display characters that meet the dimensions shown below.

Height 79mm
Width (except the figure 1 or letter l) 50mm
Stroke 14mm
Space between characters 11mm
Space between groups 33mm
Top, bottom and side margins (minimum) 11mm
Space between vertical lines 19mm

The character width has been slightly reduced from 57mm to 50mm to accommodate the Euro-symbol on the number plate.


[Edited on 17/5/05 by rayward]

UncleFista - 17/5/05 at 11:18 PM

We didn't bother with one on the front after we passed the SVA, we thought we'd put one on once we'd stopped driving it long enough to fit one

Eight months and several thousand miles later and we've still not got around to it...

I never get a second look from the plod, I can only assume that as we have a full size rear plate, they think it's ok ?!? Or some confusion as to whether it's OK for bikes then it must be OK for "that funny little car" ?!?

I'd rather risk being pulled by a copper who just *might* fall for my well rehearsed "it was there when I set off, the bloody thing must've fallen off" speech than some neo-nazi who thinks hanging should be brought back specifically for people with none-standard plates

DaveFJ - 18/5/05 at 07:38 AM

this is the section I was refering to - as I say it would need to be 'interpreted' by a very friendly dvla man on a good day - but it should be possible......

Display of Vehicle Registration Marks on Imported Vehicles
(which have a restricted space for a standard sized number plate)

Certain imported vehicles may be permitted to display number plates with smaller characters if:

* The vehicle does not have European Community Whole Vehicle Type Approval


* The vehicle's construction/design cannot accomodate standard size number plates

Specifications for smaller sized plates (for certain imported vehicles)

Character Height


Character Width


Character Stroke


Space between characters


[Edited on 18/5/05 by DaveFJ]

JAG - 18/5/05 at 09:21 AM

I used this bit of info,

"Top, bottom and side margins (minimum) 11mm" (as in raywards reply)

found on the DVLA website to justify my front plate, see below.

More spring evening
More spring evening

All characters and spacings are fully compliant but because I have 6 characters (rather than 7) I cut off the spare bits at each end and left about a 20mm margin.

[Edited on 18/5/05 by JAG]

Dusty - 18/5/05 at 10:20 AM

I've been thinking of doing the oposite, getting a stick-on plate on the nose to replace the proper flat plate under the nose cone. Make it more difficult for mobile safety cameras. Whats the penalty for a non regulation numberplate compared to a speeding fine and points?

Avoneer - 18/5/05 at 11:01 AM

3 points and a fine - just the same as speeding, but all depends on the fed that stops you.

DaveFJ - 18/5/05 at 11:06 AM

Originally posted by Avoneer
3 points and a fine - just the same as speeding, but all depends on the fed that stops you.

are you sure on this ? I had heard somewhere that it was just a £20 fine ?

[Edited on 18/5/05 by DaveFJ]

theconrodkid - 18/5/05 at 01:49 PM

i heard it was just a fine,anyhow when was the last time you saw plod on the road?

rusty nuts - 18/5/05 at 02:11 PM

The last time I saw a plod on the road was this morning near Thetford Norfolk , he pulled me up because I had no number plates on car on my way home from S.V.A .in Norwich Good thing I had a Ministers Approval Certificate. Bloody cold in an open top at 6am this morning

David Jenkins - 18/5/05 at 02:17 PM

Originally posted by rusty nuts
on my way home from S.V.A .in Norwich Good thing I had a Ministers Approval Certificate.

Shouldn't that be said with an almighty cheer?


rusty nuts - 18/5/05 at 02:30 PM

YEAH !! Dennis the guy that tested the car was very helpful , only had to adjust 1 headlight slightly and also the brake bias while he had a cuppa. Top guy.

David Jenkins - 18/5/05 at 02:39 PM

Well done that man!


DarrenW - 18/5/05 at 09:45 PM


Firstly - just a daft point ref your post - front plate needs white background. Your eg is yellow.

Secondly - Why is the stick-on plate NG? Is it cos it doesnt have makers post code etc? i woul dbe very surprised if you got stopped for having the stick on plate.

givemethebighammer - 18/5/05 at 09:55 PM

Originally posted by DarrenW

Firstly - just a daft point ref your post - front plate needs white background. Your eg is yellow.

Secondly - Why is the stick-on plate NG? Is it cos it doesnt have makers post code etc? i would be very surprised if you got stopped for having the stick on plate.

The yellow plate was just to illustrate (pic from web).

The stick on plate

a. is not rigid
b. does not carry the manufacturers name or a "BS" mark.

The Police are starting to get keener on small plates etc. Recently heard of one of the Westfield lot getting a £30 for a front plate that was too small. Apparently the plod who did him said he stopped him to show he didn't only pick on motorcyclists.

Peteff - 18/5/05 at 11:01 PM

A mate of mine got nicked for a stickon on a mini bonnet years ago. They are supposed to be flat and vertical.

givemethebighammer - 19/5/05 at 07:30 PM

Forgot about that one Pete, flat and vertical. Apparently the only car that can legally use a stick on plate is the Jaguar E Type.

Anyway found what I needed:

By those guidelines trimming the plate so it fits better should not give the plod an excuse to pull me (do they need one ?)

I think I'll do what JAG did, a little trimming all round.


DaveFJ - 24/5/05 at 01:06 PM

try working through this lot.....

givemethebighammer - 24/5/05 at 11:53 PM

done mine like JAG's fits much better now and meets the requirements stated on the DVLA website.

That link is pants

"which would prevent or impair the making of a true photographic image of the plate through the medium of camera and film or any other device."

seems to be the main theme running through the entire document"


givemethebighammer - 25/5/05 at 10:49 PM

Originally posted by givemethebighammer
done mine like JAG's fits much better now and meets the requirements stated on the DVLA website.

and ........promptly knocked the thing off this morning backing the car out of the garage (small step as you come out of door)

... so much for trying to stay legal

mad4x4 - 27/5/05 at 12:31 PM

If your present the vehicle with a Stick on plate (blank) at the SVA and he accepts it would that then be covered under the MAC cert.?

YES YES YES I know that a vhicle presented shouldn't have any plates on it but its just a thought.

My Landrover has a smaller than standard plate stuck just below the windscreen (and its silver and black not white and black)- Passes MOT's ok. Plods never stop me yet and thats 20 months.

Peteff - 27/5/05 at 12:37 PM

If you took it with a standard plate it would fail on edge radii, mine would anyway. I don't think the plate would come under the test, just the fact that it's not going to harm anyone.