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Multi tasking fog lights?
RazMan - 24/10/05 at 09:09 PM

A slightly weird question but bear with me...

I want to use a foglight which doubles up as a normal tail light when its not foggy. Basically I will use a relay to switch the fog light into 'fog' or 'normal' modes and if you think about it, this is a safety mod as it uses a 'dead' light which is otherwise only used once in a blue moon.

Will Mr SVA have a problem with this? I know that MOT will be ok coz I had this system on my Nissan tin top. In fact I went one stage further with that one - I had two colour fog light / reversing light which switched automatically depending on the mode selected.

[Edited on 24-10-05 by RazMan]

Hellfire - 24/10/05 at 09:31 PM

IIRC Fog lights are marked up as such. Standard tail lights are also marked up. Depends on your lenses I guess...

Fog lights are normally polished reflectors for obvious reasons.

omega 24 v6 - 24/10/05 at 10:19 PM

Yep you need a silver reflector and thats no use for the sidelight function. Also you need to be 100 mm away from the brake light.

Petemate - 26/10/05 at 02:44 PM

IIRC, on our two Cavalier we had, the top lights were brake lights, and the botom ones were tail/rear fogs.