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Post SVA vehicle registration
jos - 5/12/05 at 11:27 AM

I heard on Friday that the way in which the DVLA inspect vehicles for registration is changing and that the inspections will now take place at the SVA station rather than at the DVLA's offices. Has anybody else heard this and what steps need to be taken either before or after SVA/gaining MAC certificate.

I am within striking distance of getting my MAC but will not get it before tuesday and would like to get road registered ASAP

smart51 - 5/12/05 at 11:48 AM

Birmingham DVLA office told me I would have to go to the SVA test centre.

jos - 5/12/05 at 11:55 AM

How long did it take to organise the DVLA people to meet you there and did the meeting happen on date of SVA, retest or afterwards????

Petemate - 7/12/05 at 09:53 PM

This could be good news re all the idiot local DVLA offices who seem to know very little about the MOT situation. But - (there HAS to be a but) who would have a crystal ball, to organise the DVLA mob to be there, to foresee a pass? Or will they be based at the SVA stations anyway?

smart51 - 7/12/05 at 10:35 PM

Originally posted by smart51
Birmingham DVLA office told me I would have to go to the SVA test centre.

Actually that turns out to be the MSVA centre which is on a different site. That could almost have been useful.