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How many times did take to pass your SVA?
smart51 - 21/12/05 at 08:02 AM

All the best builders pass the second time, right?

zetec - 21/12/05 at 08:15 AM

A little brown paper bundle of £10 notes under the dash, easy to find when checking the radius seems to do the trick!

Hornet - 21/12/05 at 08:16 AM

Really easy..

bimbleuk - 21/12/05 at 08:32 AM

Helps if you get the kit supplier to check it over first

Though I still managed to loose a bolt from a rear caliper (trip to a local scrap yard) and took a couple of goes at the hand brake test.

jos - 21/12/05 at 08:51 AM

Sadistically, I really enjoyed the day of the test.

I had researched the test thoroughly, both here and on the www. I'd also built the car specifically with SVA in mind, concentrating on getting it through the test, and also had the manufacturer, MAC#1, look over it. Even the I still failed on 3 points.

Dash radius
Self centering.

All of which shouldve been easy passes but turned out to be fail points. All relatively simple fixes and sorted for the retest (just)

mookaloid - 21/12/05 at 08:54 AM

Wouldn't say it was easy, but passed 1st time

carlgeldard - 21/12/05 at 09:10 AM

I don’t know what all the fuss is about. First time pass with a CEC


David Jenkins - 21/12/05 at 09:12 AM

2 attempts, 1 test, (failed to get to the test at the first attempt) passed after fixing a few things during the second attempt (all fair points raised by the tester).


donut - 21/12/05 at 09:32 AM

It's all in the preperation. just go round the car looking for edges and loose wiring etc until you are 100% happy then grit your teeth!!

Humbug - 21/12/05 at 10:20 AM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
2 attempts, 1 test, (failed to get to the test at the first attempt) passed after fixing a few things during the second attempt (all fair points raised by the tester).



emsfactory - 21/12/05 at 10:40 AM

3 times butit should have been two due to glasgow's crappy rolling road.
The first fail was fair enough as I didn't really know what I was doing.

rusty nuts - 21/12/05 at 11:17 AM

Just had to adjust brake bias slightly while tester had a cuppa. Do your homework and use a bit of common sense , it's worth it in the end.

DarrenW - 21/12/05 at 01:15 PM

I would have wordd the question slightly differently - how many appointments did it take to pass SVA???

I wonder how many are answering the question truthfully after failing to get to at least one appointment?

Guinness - 21/12/05 at 02:33 PM

Two "fail to attends", an actual test and then a re-test.


jos - 21/12/05 at 03:30 PM

Okay, alright I did have 1 fail to attend

However, I did get a list of failures and did fix them all for the retest which I passed and was only examined once and retested once.

[Edited on 21/12/05 by jos]

rusty nuts - 21/12/05 at 03:34 PM

And I only had the one appointment.

carnut - 21/12/05 at 07:43 PM

3 because I knocked out a big end on the way to the 2nd test so couldnt take it.

Hellfire - 21/12/05 at 09:55 PM

Just the one - Easy

smart51 - 22/12/05 at 08:01 AM

Originally posted by Hellfire
Just the one - Easy

But was that one test the second time you'd put a car through SVA, having written off the first one

Hellfire - 22/12/05 at 04:19 PM

Category D write-off (Damage repairable)

No requirement for SVA

So thats two cars - just one SVA

bigrich - 22/12/05 at 11:08 PM

1 test fail (cat emmissions,plug lead supression markings,2 wireing grommets and side lamps not operateing with ignition off ) 2hours work to sort out and 15 mins to retest 1 week later
98rrw fireblade mac#1 type9r

Simon - 23/12/05 at 11:04 PM

One test, one retest (today - see sep thread)



OX - 24/12/05 at 11:37 AM

first car passed first time second car passed on the third go,damn the emissions and noise test