What height does your number plate have to be at ? The only reference in the SVA manual I can find is that the light has to illuminate the plate, no
mention of distance/height.
Anyone help ?
Mine is as low as it can go which is over the plate and the plate bottom is at the bottom of the rear panel.
It doesn't matter how high or low as it shouldn't show any light to the rear, only onto the plate.
You should not display a numberplate when you present your car for SVA as it will probably stand proud of the surrounding flat surface enough to
require a raidus.
If a number plate is not present that it cannot be examined and will not produce a fail.
The only requirement as far as SVA is concerned is that the side lights (front and rear) and number plate light are all operated with one action on
one switch.
FWIW mine illumiantes upwards and is similar to the units www.s-v-c.co.uk sell. My numberplate was added after the SVA once DVLA had allocated it to
the vehicle