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road tax application just come through
john_p_b - 14/2/06 at 08:25 PM

i'm a bit confussed by it, they've sent a letter saying i can do it via t'internet which seems all very good and well but just reading down the v11 form and it says i need a MOT test certificate. the motor is only 6 months old! do i need to get it mot'd now to get my tax or is this just a generic form they send to all? i don't understand how i can do it online also if i need to produce a mot certificate?

anyone help me out here?

Viper - 14/2/06 at 08:47 PM

you can only do it online if the car is less tha three years old or you have one of the new computerised MOT's and haven't recently changed your insurance company.....

[Edited on 14/2/2006 by Viper]

john_p_b - 14/2/06 at 08:53 PM

the car was only registered in september and is on the V5 as new new 2005. surely i'm not the only one to have come across this?

Viper - 14/2/06 at 09:03 PM

so you shouldn't need an MOT, why not try taxing it online see what happens

Marcus - 14/2/06 at 09:09 PM

I had the same thing last year.
Didn't want the hassle of trying to explain the ins and outs of not needing an MOT to the post office girly, so I taxed it online.
Disc came in 3 days, sorted.


bigrich - 14/2/06 at 10:48 PM

just got the same yesterday mine also states mot certificate but cars only 12 months old think i,ll do it online also, has to be after the 15th though to get from march1st

spike - 14/2/06 at 10:52 PM

had the same thing happen to me last week just bin the v11 form take your v5c and insurance certificate to postoffice . they never asked me for mot and got 12 months tax


bob - 14/2/06 at 11:17 PM

I taxed mine online last year, reminder/form said i needed a current MOT cert but all was well online and tax arrived 2 days later.

The year before i did manage to get the tax at the post office even though the reminder said MOT required,i just took my V5 along that stated when the car was registered.

ady8077 - 14/2/06 at 11:52 PM

Hi, I taxed mine online, but have just checked my old V11 and it doesn't ask for an MOT

I've attatched a pic of my tin tops V11, which needed an mot, if yours is the same i suggest you contact the dvla as it seems wrong

Adrian Rescued attachment mot.jpg
Rescued attachment mot.jpg

Aboardman - 15/2/06 at 07:39 AM

I had the same asking for a mot on my super 6, i phoned my through to the automatic renewal service and the disc arrived 3 days later.

john_p_b - 17/2/06 at 11:41 AM

went through the motions online on wednesday night, tax disc turned up this morning!

RoadkillUK - 17/2/06 at 07:13 PM

Pleased to hear it, I've just got mine through too, it was registered Sept. 2004 and it doesn't ask for an MOT Cert.