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oliwb - 20/2/06 at 07:56 PM

(Not sure this is the right section or not) a quote two years ago from Adrian Flux for a tiger avon and 1600 pinto and got a quote for £530 full comp....good quote I thought so bought the kit (a CAT in the end) is ready to go on the road for SVA etc so phoned Adrian Flux again.....£1588!!!! I said the value was £6,500 that's 25% of the value in insurance...per year!!! arrgghh! Anyone know of any other good/cheap insurers for a 20 yr old male with pass plus and advanced driving jobby.......thanks in advance for any suggestions.....Oli.

Messenjah - 20/2/06 at 08:02 PM

footman james quoted me £900 for two 17 year olds on provisionals on a 1300 x flow locost with agreed value of 3k

if tyhats any help

oliwb - 20/2/06 at 08:06 PM

Well I'll give them a shot tomorow and see what happens.....might have it insured in my dad's name.....55 with max no claims and motor bikes aswell......Cheers Oli.

tul214 - 20/2/06 at 08:43 PM

Try Sureterm, they give discounts for Tiger club members IIRC.

oliwb - 20/2/06 at 08:46 PM

Was gonna try them but pretty sure I tried once before and they wouldn't insure me being under 21......Will give em another go though....anyone else worth a phone call....Oli.

oliwb - 21/2/06 at 10:26 AM

OMG! Really suck now got a car built that I can't insure!!! Graham Sykes just gave me a quote of £1700 with my 53 yr old dad as the main driver and me named, Adrian Flux are £1,500 for me as main and my dad as named (won't do it the other way round) @ 5,000 m/per year or £1400 at 3000 miles per year...all at value of £6,500 (but apprently could make it £10k with no difference to the premium....sureterm wont insure anyone under 21 nor will kit car someone or other.....there must be someone who can beat this! Hope there is cos its like £130 a month at that price!!! Gonna try the NFU now......cheers. Oli.

Flat Pack - 21/2/06 at 11:06 AM

Totalkitcar have a list of kit insurers

I've heard good things about MSM (not had a chance to use any of them yet though), but probably just a case of ringing round them all and see who can do you a good deal. Good luck

oliwb - 21/2/06 at 12:19 PM

Just phoned footman james from the kitcar webiste got a quote of £687 fully comp, £6,500 agreed value, me (20 yr old) as main driver with my parents and 21 yr old girlfriend as named drivers! Not bad considering they quoted me £1100 2 yrs ago......Success.....Cheers Oli.

bigrich - 23/2/06 at 10:40 PM

just re insured my bec with sureterm 10k agreed value 3000 miles a year fully comp for 173 of the queens pounds i think i may be getting old (youthful 37)