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"Minor fail" at Chadderton
vintagebuilder - 1/3/06 at 01:50 PM

Afternoon All,

Just arrived back home from getting my MK Indy SVA'd at Chadderton.It was a much more pleasant experience than I thought it was going to be. Neville, the tester, couldn't have been more helpful and seemed to want the car to pass.

However it failed on only one point. When asked to turn the wheels from lock to lock the flexible hoses contacted the upper wishbones. This seemed due to the length of the crimped ends of the hoses, since it was that part of the hose which was catching the wishbone.
I've got a retest next Monday so I would be grateful if anyone who has had this problem could tell me how to overcome it.



mookaloid - 1/3/06 at 01:55 PM

I think some people have restricted the amount of travel in the steering rack by using jubilee clips or something like that.



shortie - 1/3/06 at 02:01 PM

Easy fix hopefully, exactly the same problem I had, you should be able to twist the flexi where it screws in either end and move it until when you turn the wheels it doesn't foul the upper wishbone.

Hope that makes sense!


Sorry, should have said, well done!!!

[Edited on 1/3/06 by shortie]

jos - 1/3/06 at 02:06 PM

Just echoing what shortie has said. A quarter turn of twist was all that was needed to ensure my braided hoses stayed away from touching anything on mine.

carlgeldard - 1/3/06 at 02:46 PM

Well done mate. That will mean you should be at Ackworth next week. If you need an help before your retest just shout and I will nip over.


smart51 - 1/3/06 at 03:10 PM

A very good result. well done. twisting the flexi hose can cause it to move away from the wishbone, which is what you want. I cable tied mine to the wishbone and it passed SVA. Also, and perhaps not a nice solution, you could move the point where the flexi goes though the bodywork. I'd try the other two solutions first.

Peteff - 1/3/06 at 03:31 PM

My flexy has hose round it where it is likely to touch the wing bracket and it passed.

andyps - 1/3/06 at 03:42 PM

Well done David - only a small issue to sort.

Looking forward to seeing the car.

Avoneer - 1/3/06 at 04:36 PM

Well done David.

Told you it wouldn't be that bad.

See you at Ackworth soon.

Were the brakes ok after all the fun we had with them!


stevec - 1/3/06 at 05:22 PM

Nice one David, Must be a relief. Time for fun now.

nitram38 - 1/3/06 at 07:15 PM

Can't you use Spiral wrap?
Some brake pipes come with this fitted or and outer rubber tube around the inner pipe.

vintagebuilder - 1/3/06 at 08:33 PM

Evening All,

Thanks for all the replies. The problem with the hose is that it is not just touching the upper wishbone. On full lock the hose is being severely bent at the point where it exits the crimped end.



john_p_b - 1/3/06 at 08:42 PM

pop the steering rack gaiters off and fit some spacers in to limit the lock, i had the same problem and to be honest on full standard lock you'd never even use it!

Guinness - 1/3/06 at 09:43 PM

I had a similar fail at Gosforth, hoses hit the top bones on full lock. I had a couple of mild steel bushes made up to limit the steering lock. Just unscrewed the arms off the rack and slid them on.

They've fallen off since, so if you want I could post them down to you?

A contribution towards postage and they're yours until you pass, then give 'em to the next bloke.



P.S. only use this solution if there are no tight corners between your house and the sva centre. I had to do a three point turn to get out of my back lane!

Marcus - 2/3/06 at 01:18 PM

Agree with the spacers in the rack, we just used jubilee clips. Makes 3 point turns a little awkward, but they're still on after 18 months, can't be arsed to take them off!
