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VIN/inspection application letter?
NS Dev - 17/3/06 at 12:09 PM

Does this sound ok as a letter to notts VRO? Struggling to get their number and Swansea said to write so:

Nottingham Business Park
Unit D Orchard Place

17 March 2006

Dear Sir or Madam

I am currently in the later stages of the construction of a “7 type” amateur built vehicle and would like to arrange for pre registration inspection as all major components are now present.

I presume that I will need a VIN, can you confirm that:

“ NSDEVSEVENxxxxxxx” (real numbers will be in there!)

Is acceptable as a VIN? If this can be confirmed then I can get a plate engraved ready for when the vehicle is inspected.

The easiest way to contact me is on xxxxxxxxxxxxx, please leave a message and number to return a call to if there is no answer.

Yours Sincerely,

Nathaniel Seviour

bob - 17/3/06 at 12:34 PM

Pretty much the same as my letter,i added my telephone number and they phoned to confirm a date and time for inspection.

DarrenW - 17/3/06 at 02:44 PM

Almost the same as what i wrote as well. Yes that should do the trick Nat. If you are lucky like me you might get a call back next day to confirm VIN and arrange inspection.

wicket - 17/3/06 at 04:00 PM

Very similar here as well.

I decided to start the registration process before SVA, and so far have only positive things to say about my local DVLA office (Brighton).

I started by faxing in FAO the Kit Car Inspector brief details of the build and asking the way forward, 2 days later Dan called and we talked through form filling details, V55/5 the registration form and V627/1 the build up details.

He said fill in as much detail as possible on the V55/5, the rest will be completed after SVA, and he was OK with my own VIN number.

The build up form needed completing and the receipts (not copies, they return them once the registration is complete) for the items listed needed to be sent with the form for checking and validation.

A couple of days later I had a call from the inspector who was coming out to check the details and she duly arrived the next day on time and just checked engine and chassis (VIN)numbers and personal ID (passport). All done in 15 minutes.