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Got SVA Date
irvined - 18/4/06 at 02:54 PM

Well, Finally applied for my SVA after a year of procrastination.

Its May 5th, in Carlisle. My plan is, drive back to UK on 28th, drink beer, sleep, go to stoneleigh, buy a load of bits, panic, turn up at sva centre on the 5th, panic, pass SVA, register, and be back in .nl before monday morning.

Why do I get the feeling its not going to be that simple?


dave1888 - 18/4/06 at 02:57 PM

from your plan id say too much panic not enough beer.

MikeR - 18/4/06 at 03:06 PM

knowing david i'd say he had it about right

oh, actually, no, you missed out BODGE! a lot

stevec - 18/4/06 at 03:06 PM

The moore beer you drink the less you panic.

muzchap - 18/4/06 at 03:16 PM

Hi - how long was it from when you sent off to receiving a date?

I want to apply end of this month for a test early/mid June.

Should I do now? Or wait until nearer the time?



tks - 18/4/06 at 04:36 PM

i woudnīt panic because speeding can be very money spending..

Are you dutch? wy on the pic the car has the steering on the right??

Wich bits you want to buy??
arenīt there some bad changable parts??
Lights??Mph/Km/h speedo..



p.s. what are your chances doing it in the NL...

MikeR - 18/4/06 at 04:41 PM

David is Scotish, used to live in Warwickshire then got made an offer he couldn't refuse to work in Holland.

Jealous ........ yeah, just a smidgen

richardR1 - 18/4/06 at 05:18 PM

Sounds like a fantastic plan. Hope all goes accordingly. I passed my SVA this morning and hope you feel as good on the 5th as I do today.

tks - 18/4/06 at 05:34 PM


sounds like i found a lost sun of mine

(i also used to live in holland also in the computer industrie)

anyway acording to your plans david,
to register the car maybe you need more time altough it will depend on the time of meeting with the SVA man and the distance between the local DVLA service point right...

anyway 5 days to prepair your car should be able to do...


irvined - 18/4/06 at 10:00 PM

Ah well I've readjusted my plan to remove the panic and consume more beer. That should do the trick.

I sent of the SVA application for to VOSA on the 29th of last month, I then got an email from a chap confirming it was built by me and not by somebody who makes cars for a living, about a week later followed shortly by a letter in the post.

The letter was sent off on Tuesday and I got the date in the email today.

Dates are somewhat problematic for me as its a logistical nightmare getting me, my tools and the car in the same place at the same time, but I got the date I wanted with about a months notice.

Best bet is to apply now, you can change the date if your not going to make it, and it gives you something to panic, ahem, work towards.

As for the car, I lived in the UK when I started the build, then last christmas I moved to Utrecht to work, Ultimately I shall bring the car over here, I'll probably keep it as a right hand drive, since I also have my british car here and its scary enough driving on the wrong side of the road, let alone trying to open the door when I want to change gear.

My list of things to do to the car is quite impressive, lots and lots of minor but no doubt really time consuming jobs.

See you soon
