Just been in to renes my road tax on my tin top...
form from the DVLA said £90.75 for 6 months but when i got to the counter I was told that the computer said it had changed in the budget....
now £104.50 !
Bloody Gordon Brown
WTF - it's £104 for 6 months now!!!
This FKING country!!! AND FOR WHAT!
To support FKIN IMMIGRANTS and PEOPLE that don't deserve to be here, sponging off the WELFARE FKIN state!
We need an uprising - FCUK this Government off!
Im sick of MY money being PISSED away by fkin useless DO-GOODERS...
Do what AUSTRALIA does - don't let nobody in who has less than £10,000!!!
I feel a visa APPLICATION to go live in New Zealand coming on - my mate just moved there - as England was 15-20 years ago - sounds perfect!
<Friday afternoon rant ends>
Apologies to those offended by above outburst - but I just got my P60 - I would be £9000 better off this year if it wasn't for TAX!!!
£9000!!!! FFS!!!
[Edited on 28/4/06 by muzchap]
Never mind the road tax, that is a quality avatar Dave!
Agreed !
A girl who looks like that works in our office - I'm looking at her in a whole new way now
I'n gonna try tax the Dutton tommorrow any idea how much i should take then ?? Its a 2.1
I reckon that would come under the 'registered pre 2001' catyegory - so £96.25 for 6 months....
have a look here
What happens if you run chip oil in your derv engine and your emmisions reduce?
You have to pay fuel tax on the chip oil!
was £96.25, but i'm back and shes pretty quick still