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Engine Proof!!
Krismc - 17/6/06 at 07:42 PM

All parts on my car will be new! so will i get a new regestration????

only thing is the engine although it is new i dont have a correct receipt for it-- what exactually do i need??

ned - 17/6/06 at 07:46 PM

you need to get on your computer and make yourself a receipt on some headed paper, get some piccies/logo's etc for the headed bit off the web and bobs your mothers brother...

MAB - 17/6/06 at 07:59 PM


I agree with ned - a ford logo and make yourself some headed paper!

Also - don't forget - if you want a new registration, - not all parts need to be new see:

Don't worry about a correct receipt for your engine at this stage especially if it is new. Just concentrate on putting the thing together!


Krismc - 17/6/06 at 08:24 PM

cars nearly done!!!!

should i make the company frence or german or sumthing???

and i know that i was going to leave the gear box as the used component!! but looks like i will need a reconditioned unit certificate for it and a brand new reciept for the diff and shafts

(Every other component is new, bar steering wheel etc)

[Edited on 17/6/06 by Krismc]

Krismc - 17/6/06 at 08:25 PM

cheers ned,

any one got any good ideas of how to make a reciept then- im crap on word!!!

Hellfire - 17/6/06 at 09:13 PM

I thought you said ALL parts were new? If your engine is new, then get the supplier to give you a receipt.
