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Rear View Camera & SVA?
RazMan - 10/7/06 at 09:14 PM

While Ross & John were having a look at my middy project tonight, the subject of rear view mirrors came up (I haven't got any yet) and it's going to be difficult to find mirrors which will suit the car as there are no other sticky out bits on the body lines.
It was suggested that a rear view camera and little lcd screen might be a solution - something like

[url=]this[/url ]

The SVA manual doesn't really cover anything like cameras so I thought I would ask the collective

1. Is a camera & screen going to give Mr SVA a seizure?

2. Do I need 2 separate cameras to give a 'real' view like conventional mirrors or will one do?

*edit - damn link no worky

[Edited on 10-7-06 by RazMan]

DIY Si - 10/7/06 at 09:17 PM

The mirrors are ther to afford the relevant rear views, so you might get away with it as long as your camera shows the same things. Probably best to check with your intended sva centre though.

MkIndy7 - 10/7/06 at 09:20 PM

I would have thought if it was possible the supercars would have them.

Just think of the drag on the Bugatti's mirrors at near 250mph it would have been an easy way to gain some extra speed and loose some drag.

But its worth a try, for a quick phone call.

DIY Si - 10/7/06 at 09:22 PM

click here

RazMan - 10/7/06 at 09:47 PM

MkIndy7 - Some of the exotic cars do have them ........ although I can't think of one at the moment

DIY Si - that is the same one I was looking at on eBay. At that price it is almost as cheap as a reasonable pair of mirrors! A 2.5" screen is probably big enough too. I would think that two cameras would give a better image for judging distances when parking, overtaking etc. I could probably mount the cameras in each end of the rear spoiler and have a screen at each end of the dash. Oohh night vision .... very bling!

[Edited on 10-7-06 by RazMan]

MkIndy7 - 10/7/06 at 09:55 PM

I thought they were only "Max Power" exotic cars, or prototypes from Manufacturers.

Or I think the Nissan Primera had a reverse camera as an option but that was as well as external wing mirrors

stevec - 10/7/06 at 09:55 PM

Seizure def.!

[Edited on 10/7/06 by stevec]

DIY Si - 10/7/06 at 10:00 PM

The link was the one you tried to attached. Just thought it'd be handy.

Chippy - 10/7/06 at 10:17 PM

When they test your rear view, it is against a given area. If the camera covers that area, I can see no good reason why it should not pass muster. Mind you I'm no SVA tester, so as said above, best to check with your local SVA centre before going down this route. atb Ray

RazMan - 10/7/06 at 10:42 PM

As you say, as long as the camera covers this range it should (in theory) pass. Rescued attachment mirror view range.jpg
Rescued attachment mirror view range.jpg

Ketchup - 10/7/06 at 10:47 PM

go for it

RazMan - 10/7/06 at 10:51 PM

Originally posted by Ketchup
go for it

See what you started you bugger?!!!!

Chippy - 10/7/06 at 10:57 PM

Just noticed that the item discription states FOV as 30 to 40 degs, should be easy to check if it will work. Draw out the SVA FOV requirements to scale, and draw in the camera angle, soon show if it will work. atb Ray.

By the way your bonnet mods look ace.

[Edited on 10-7-06 by Chippy]

tks - 11/7/06 at 07:52 AM

they are 26pounds...
and 7pounds insurranc eis needed to!

add on the 16pounds..

and my opinion is that the cheapness is gone..



the problem i have with the camera is that i think that its used more for chort range..

sow you could almost but not kiss the bumper of the car behind you (when parking)

think you cant distinquish a pole on 60meters..

[Edited on 11/7/06 by tks]

RazMan - 11/7/06 at 08:05 AM

You might be right tks - it will be a fixed focus camera and it depends on the depth of field. It might produce fuzzy images at a distance and be useless as a rear view mirror except for reversing.

RazMan - 11/7/06 at 08:56 AM

I just had a conversation with the Chelmsford SVA test centre. The SVA manual is very clear - it states that mirrors are required, which means that even if I fitted a camera, I would still require a mirror as well. They also said that the existing manual is probably not even aware that cameras are available for this type of use, so it looks as though I will have to comply with outdated regulations to get a pass.

Ah well ...........

tks - 11/7/06 at 09:33 AM

is a tool wich is very intelligent..

if you wanted to see 60meters with camera you would need a zoom funcion on it like on any normal camera.

until now i compare the camera with the mobile phone one...short range...

anyway as Mr Sva said its a no no sow if you buy it use it for parking

or for recording who watches your car (or touches your bumber!!!)


Bob C - 11/7/06 at 11:33 AM

I recall it being illegal in the past to have a display of moving images where the driver could see it (I know it was an issue for early intelligent displays) I guess the rules must have changed if reversing cameras are now popular!

skidude88 - 11/7/06 at 02:26 PM

Perhaps if I'd got one of these reversing screens...................We wouldn't have push my MK (backwards) into awinter's sylva!!.... D'op!

Krismc - 11/7/06 at 08:32 PM

Remember to get the feed switched over so the picture is reversed, other wise you will be confused, and it wouldnt pass as the cars would pass on the wrong directiion of the screen, i removed the mirror in my audi and installed a screen with a flipped vison in the dash and the MOT man liked it!!

skidude88 - 12/7/06 at 09:08 AM

LOL..... reverse the screen image with an elaborate mirroring system

RazMan - 12/7/06 at 12:49 PM

DEAN C. - 23/7/06 at 07:37 PM

Hi,the rear view cameras cannot be illegal as we fit them into hgvs all over the country on different contracts that we run.
The kits are less than £200 now and they are OK for Vosa MOT's as long as they are additional to mirrors and are not in the windscreen viewing area.
We usually fit "Backeye" or "vision techniques"
These are now company policy to fit on vehicles over 7.5 tons with big companies like SITA and Onyx and Focsa ,Cleanaway and Biffa just to name a few of the Municipal companies I deal with.
They are used to cover blind spots for reversing really and save countless lives.
Some are colour now and they are all infra red and very clear.
Hope this helps if you are thinking of fitting.

Krismc - 23/7/06 at 08:13 PM

all very good mate, but as he said he isnt fitting mirrors- other wise this wouldnt be a problem he could just fit after the SVA!

For the Sva he will need a reverse feed PCB between camera and the monitor! with out a doubt

RazMan - 23/7/06 at 10:13 PM

Actually SVA regs state that you MUST have mirrors. A camera system is fine but cannot take the place of mirrors until they fall off after SVA

Macbeast - 25/7/06 at 06:33 AM

LCD monitors are not very good in bright ambient light. Ok maybe in the cab of a truck but IMHO you wouldn't see much in sunlight in a open car.

MrFluffy - 12/4/07 at 08:08 AM

Does anyone know the legality sva wise of just the interior mirror being replaced by a camera. I plan to have wing mirrors, but theres this dirty big v8 and blower mounted right where the rearview mirror would want to look through on my midengined project, so unless I did something funky with mirrors and a periscope, id be chuffed otherwise...

RazMan - 12/4/07 at 08:54 AM

A periscope is still a rear view mirror isn't it?

I am pretty sure that you would be ok with a rear view camera but to be sure why not give your SVA centre a ring and ask?