many of you will have catches like these, whihc unfortunately are not SVA friendly.
After trying various ideas, ranging from bending a piece of ali sheet, carving a wooden block and even using sealant to make a for a mould for a glass
fibre cover,
I hit upon using some D section tubing that I had lying around.
Take 2 rubber D-strips and cut as shown, the slots to go over the catch and the ends to be tucked in.
rubber strps
Then fit over the catch
cover fitted
Similary many have spring catches like this:
spring type catch
So same again, cut the rubber tirm longer to allow for the spring stretching (hmm, guess who forgot about that) then a hole in the back to locate the
catch, again tuck the end in and job done.
A nut cover fits over the screw.
spring catch cover
Finally a pair of drinks bottle tops, I used coke tops to be colour coordinated, over wing nuts; to stop them from falling off, the same rubber strip
is used over the nuts.
wing nut covers
do you watch blue peter ?
looks good hope the sva dude thinks the same