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Can i cover my braided hoses..?
GeoffB - 14/9/06 at 04:12 PM

My front brake hoses come quite close to the wishbones but dont actually touch on full lock. Sods law will be that on the sva test they will probabley touch.
Can i split a length of petrol hose and cover the braided hose in the vunerable areas and tie wrap it even if they do touch they will not make contact


chrisj - 14/9/06 at 04:18 PM

Double bag even more than that I am afraid.

They want to make sure their is no chance of chafing.

Cover the pipe with the fuel pipe (this is the inner sleeve), and then use some of the cable tidy you have lying around to create the outer sleeve and secure with cable ties.

This satisfied my examiner.

nitram38 - 14/9/06 at 06:32 PM

Mine are wrapped in spiral wrap and they passed.

Hellfire - 15/9/06 at 07:24 AM

Ours are wrapped in clear heat shrink...


DarrenW - 15/9/06 at 02:39 PM

i used spiwrap on mine. No idea why though!!!

When fitting the fronts i managed to put a twist in them so that on full lock they twist themselves slightly and dont touch anything. Its a standard technique for these sorts of cars.

Others have found a way to clip the hose close to (but not touching) the wishbones.

Im surprised the double sleeving idea is allowed. My tester was quite specific when he said they must not touch anything on either lock. He failed my handbrake cables cos they just say touched some bodywork underneath when the handbrake was applied. Had to remove some of the bodywork (hidden by arch) and clip them back better.