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Is Chequer plate SVA friendly?
RobBrown - 28/9/06 at 09:13 PM

As title suggests, if I have this on the transmission tunnel , does the raised stripes class as not correctly radiused edges?


ReMan - 28/9/06 at 09:22 PM

Technically its probably OK as the raised bits arn't raised enough to need radii more than blunt edges, but it might cast doubt as some edges could be percieved as sharp??

oliwb - 29/9/06 at 01:01 PM

As mentioned technically should be OK but SVA man may not see it this way.....bit of an odd choice for transmission tunnel top though...what made you choose that? Oli.

RobBrown - 29/9/06 at 05:15 PM

I currently have ali corners on the tunnel(see here), but suspect that these will fail on radius grounds at my SVA next week, so whilst looking around in B & Q, came across nice radii edged corner strips, but it has chequer plate design on it. I'm just trying to think of neat way or replacing the existing ali. It is also functional in that it holds both edges of the carpet


ReMan - 29/9/06 at 05:37 PM

I see! Disd wonder myself about the aesthetics too! (No offence to anyone who alredy has a checkerplate transmision tunnel though!)

If its only temporary and the ali corners are going back on, how about some wood moulding?
B=Q do a right angle about the same size, with a smooth external angle?

caber - 29/9/06 at 06:07 PM

Very Rolls Royce ! remember to put cup washers on brass screws with the slot lned up and 12 coats of varnish sanding down between each coat
