yes folks,merlin has finaly got his cert.
Congrats to steve (merlin)
From all the west london mafia
Yep well done.... or in Alan Partridge's wise words.... "back of the net!!!!!"
Same as...."Im 47, My girlfriend's 33, she's 14 years younger than me........... back of the net!"
Well done mate.
Your turn this week isn't it zetec. Best of luck. I will drop you a u2u soon about coming to have a look. Cheers mate.
I'll post the result as soon as I get back, or will I be too busy getting it registered, some hopes!
great news - couldn't have happened to a nicer guy
Thanks guys, all I need now is an MOT (Friday) then some plates!!! Cheers John for all your help through the build! Big smiles all round
Well done mate.......and thanks again...
Failed the sodding MOT!! Hit a speed ramp on the way to the test, rear axle compressed and squashed brake pipe flat!! bad routing on my part I 'spose but still a pain in the arse. Also, as I took it to work to test (50 mile round trip) I thought I would use it as a 'shake down'. Turned out to be a 'shake to bits!!'. Prop shaft in serious need of a balance - shook the retaining bolts from the gear stick! - Ah well, at least I'm nearly there! Brake pipe replaced (and re-routed!!) and prop being balanced Monday. Watch this space....