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another one hits the road
theconrodkid - 23/5/03 at 05:47 PM

yes folks,merlin has finaly got his cert.

bob - 23/5/03 at 05:54 PM

Congrats to steve (merlin)

From all the west london mafia

Findlay234 - 23/5/03 at 06:22 PM

Yep well done.... or in Alan Partridge's wise words.... "back of the net!!!!!"

Same as...."Im 47, My girlfriend's 33, she's 14 years younger than me........... back of the net!"

zetec - 26/5/03 at 07:17 PM

Well done mate.

DoctorFunky - 26/5/03 at 08:34 PM

Your turn this week isn't it zetec. Best of luck. I will drop you a u2u soon about coming to have a look. Cheers mate.

zetec - 27/5/03 at 09:30 AM

I'll post the result as soon as I get back, or will I be too busy getting it registered, some hopes!

mark_rayfield - 27/5/03 at 06:16 PM

great news - couldn't have happened to a nicer guy

merlin - 27/5/03 at 09:07 PM

Thanks guys, all I need now is an MOT (Friday) then some plates!!! Cheers John for all your help through the build! Big smiles all round

Alan B - 28/5/03 at 12:13 AM

Well done mate.......and thanks again...

merlin - 1/6/03 at 08:15 PM

Failed the sodding MOT!! Hit a speed ramp on the way to the test, rear axle compressed and squashed brake pipe flat!! bad routing on my part I 'spose but still a pain in the arse. Also, as I took it to work to test (50 mile round trip) I thought I would use it as a 'shake down'. Turned out to be a 'shake to bits!!'. Prop shaft in serious need of a balance - shook the retaining bolts from the gear stick! - Ah well, at least I'm nearly there! Brake pipe replaced (and re-routed!!) and prop being balanced Monday. Watch this space....