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How much of a car can you change?
emsfactory - 25/10/06 at 04:41 PM

Hi all.
Basically I am just wondering if there is a limit to how much of a car you can change before it becomes a different car.

I have built and SVA'd a locost. But the more I look at the less happy I am with it.

My welding is now sooooo much better than when i first started so i would like to redo the chassis and suspension.

I also have a zetec that I can put in place of the crossflow.

Id probably redo the GRP too. More patience now.

What would be the deal with that. New car or same car?

Confused but excited. - 25/10/06 at 04:46 PM

Remember the brush that had twelve heads and four stales.
It's the same car if you only change it a bit at a time and don't tell anyone. If the new chassis has the same number as the old one , who can tell the difference?

emsfactory - 25/10/06 at 04:48 PM

thats the way I was leaning.

SeaBass - 25/10/06 at 04:49 PM

You could allegedly give "Sports Power Drive" a ring to get an answer to that one...


iank - 25/10/06 at 04:53 PM

Strictly according to the regulations you can change everything but the chassis freely.

If you change the chassis the following rule applies


The original unmodified chassis or unaltered bodyshell (i.e. body and chassis as one unit - monocoque); or a new chassis or monocoque bodyshell of the same specification as the original supported by evidence from the dealer or manufacturer (e.g. receipt).

What this means if you are the chassis manufacturer I don't know.

Confused but excited. - 25/10/06 at 04:55 PM

Must mean it's OK!