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Windscreen, Heater and SVA
The Doc - 29/10/06 at 10:56 PM

My plan is to SVA the car minus windscreen and add this afterwards. I have already made provision for a heater, wipers etc.

My question is:
Assuming I blank off holes with grommets etc. will it matter that I have the wiper motor, heater box etc. in situ or will these be seen as non-functioning equipment? I'd rather have them in place to avoid the need for going back into the scuttle later.

I would guess/hope that the SVA man would simply ignore these if there is no screen fitted.

Anyone else do this?



Simon - 30/10/06 at 12:13 AM


If you have no windscreen, the rest (demist/wipers) become irrelevant as far as the test is concerned.

As you've already gone to the trouble of sorting wipers/demist, I'd have thought the glass would have been the least of your worries - just make sure it's correctly marked.



ch1ll1 - 30/10/06 at 08:01 AM

do you need a heater if you have an electric front screen?

Peter M - 30/10/06 at 08:30 AM

No heater required if you have a heated front screen.