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Catalytic converter
chris_harris_ - 22/11/06 at 10:59 AM

Hi guys, thinking of getting one of these from the us, any coments, or other people interested.,1 />

P.s How do you create a link without all this c**p above.

bilbo - 22/11/06 at 11:07 AM

Seem very cheap - hope there's no catch? If you do go ahead and buy, let us know how you get on as I'll be wanting one of these at some stage.

[Edited on 22/11/06 by bilbo]

BenB - 22/11/06 at 11:08 AM

Seems very cheap!
This seems to explain!

re links....

[Edited on 22/11/06 by BenB]

chris_harris_ - 22/11/06 at 11:18 AM

Right then, think i've got my head arount the linky thing. Just need to decide on the cat now. Thanks for the help.

Peteff - 22/11/06 at 11:27 AM

Click on the hyperlink button thenwrite the name you want to see in the popup box and ok it, then in the next popup box paste your link in. Make sure you get rid of the http//: that is already in there or it will not work. Rescued attachment prtscrn.jpg
Rescued attachment prtscrn.jpg

BenB - 22/11/06 at 11:32 AM

Of course, you could do it that way


chris_harris_ - 22/11/06 at 11:35 AM

Now that seems much easier, thanks to both of you though, always good to know different ways to do things.

ecosse - 22/11/06 at 12:57 PM

There is this guy on UK ebay


more expensive than the one's in your link, but after import and postage costs (not to mention hassle)?



zxrlocost - 22/11/06 at 01:48 PM

thats the one Ive got I dont reckon it would be powerful enough on its own

ta chris

chris_harris_ - 22/11/06 at 02:42 PM

I've had a look at that sellers items, but he doesn't show anything as pretty, they've all got heat shields.

Chris, i wasn't sure if it would be big enough on its own, so could put two inline, or do a similar thing to someone else and cut up another not very good looking item and insert it in the end of the can, hassle i know but i can keep it for mot's after too.

zxrlocost - 22/11/06 at 03:53 PM

you may be on to something there although the other cat will have to go in the silencer so best of getting the same as me

chriscook - 22/11/06 at 06:10 PM

Not entirely sure how a Cat can be OBD II compliant tho.

chris_harris_ - 22/11/06 at 10:05 PM

In fairness i don't even know what OBD compliance is!!

chriscook - 23/11/06 at 12:16 AM

On Board Diagnostic

All new car have to have an OBD2 compliant port somewhere on them within a certain distance of they drivers seat. Certain bit of info are mandatory to be output from them. It will be where the dealer plugs in their diagnostic computer.

chris_harris_ - 23/11/06 at 11:24 AM

Well that makes a bit more sense now. Having said that it doesn't really affect me so i'll ignore that bit. Thanks anyway.