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Not to be overlooked
Markp - 13/6/03 at 11:18 PM

I had my SVA test last wednesday and failed. I have been building the car for over three years and followed the book, I discovered this site about three months ago. A little too late.

After 5 mins in to the test I had failed due to the car not self centreing.

I have now spent the last three days putting in all hours to alter the front suspension so that it self centres.

I have a retest tomorrow and I know I must have forgotten something else.

The moral??????

Spend the time looking at the front suspension, if you don't, it can cause a hell of a lot of grief!!!


Mark Allanson - 14/6/03 at 10:30 AM

Thanks to the site, I realised that I had too little castor before it was too late..

I made my top wishbones with 22mm setback to compensate for the book error, see the drawing Rescued attachment Wisbone Modification.JPG
Rescued attachment Wisbone Modification.JPG

Mark Allanson - 14/6/03 at 10:31 AM

and the finished parts Rescued attachment DCP_0815sml.jpg
Rescued attachment DCP_0815sml.jpg

Markp - 14/6/03 at 11:40 AM

thats a good idea, wish I had thoght of that

kingr - 16/6/03 at 11:11 AM

I too was made aware of this and the fact that if you simply move the brackets to compensate, they are practically falling off. I simply put the brackets where they fitted best, and then built the wishbones to suit. You can see pictures of them in my archive and more details in the chassis section. They do look rather more agricultural than Mark's though, but it saves the trouble of bending the tubes.


macbrew - 17/6/03 at 11:10 PM

Please explain ... Book error ????

I made mine as book and seem to have got the 5degree angle. Must explain that I got the MK Sierra bushes with the offset.

Am I gonna be ok ??