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SVA / Spanish EURO Norm HELP!
tks - 19/3/07 at 04:42 PM

To wich euro norm are the exhaust gasses complient in the SVA?

Looks like there is some EU discrimination going on and looks like the UK violates the EU law!


Read This:

2. Subject to the provisions of Article 7, with effect from 1 January 2000 for vehicles in category M as defined in Annex II, Section A, to Directive 70/156/EEC - except vehicles the maximum mass of which exceeds 2 500 kg -, for vehicles in Category N1 Class I and, with effect from 1 January 2001, for vehicles in Category N1 Classes II and III as defined in the table in Section of Annex I to Directive 70/220/EEC, and for vehicles in category M the maximum mass of which exceeds 2 500 kg, Member States may no longer grant:

- EC type-approval pursuant to Article 4(1) of Directive 70/156/EEC, or

- national type-approval, except where the provisions of Article 8(2) of Directive 70/156/EEC are invoked,

for a new vehicle type on grounds relating to air pollution by emissions if it fails to comply with the provisions of Directive 70/220/EEC, as amended by this Directive. For the Type I test the limit values set out in row A of the table in section of Annex I to Directive 70/220/EEC are to be used.

Laws of EU

[Edited on 19/3/07 by tks]

tks - 19/3/07 at 04:49 PM

Article 8

1. If the Member State which has granted EEC type-approval finds that a number of vehicles accompanied by a certificate of conformity do not conform to the type which it has approved, it shall take the necessary measures to ensure that production models conform to the approved type. The competent authorities of that State shall advise those of the other Member States of the measures taken, which may, where necessary, extend to withdrawal of EEC type-approval.

The said authorities shall take like measures if they are informed by the competent authorities of another Member State of such failure to conform.

2. The competent authorities of the Member States shall inform each other within one month of any withdrawal of EEC type-approval, and of the reasons for such measure.

flak monkey - 19/3/07 at 04:52 PM

Isnt this only to do with previously type approved cars, which have to pass the ESVA, and not the SVA which amatuer built vehiles have to go through?


tks - 19/3/07 at 04:55 PM

in fact in spain they now want me to reach EURO norm 4!
because the year of registration falls into that row.

Sow its important for me to know wy in the UK the Before 1995 and after 1995 rule exists...


flak monkey - 19/3/07 at 04:59 PM

Its done on the date of production of the engine. Its unreasonable to expect a 20 year old engine to be able to meet the current emissions regulations.

However if you want a new registration then i dont see why you shouldnt conform to the latest rules and regs.


tks - 19/3/07 at 05:09 PM

How can i apply for an old one?

I mean to say if we pass SVA in the UK i get a Q plate right?

Thats a new registration right?


t.j. - 19/3/07 at 05:12 PM

National type-approval and individual approval procedures for motor vehicles to be used or registered for the first time in the EU fall outside the scope of EC law.

So no worry's there. However there are rumors there will be in the near future.
Then all country will have the same regulations and we don't have to go to the UK to get a V5 and then export it to the Netherlands

[Edited on 19/3/07 by t.j.]

tks - 19/3/07 at 05:21 PM

Originally posted by t.j.
National type-approval and individual approval procedures for motor vehicles to be used or registered for the first time in the EU fall outside the scope of EC law.

So no worry's there. However there are rumors there will be in the near future.
Then all country will have the same regulations and we don't have to go to the UK to get a V5 and then export it to the Netherlands

[Edited on 19/3/07 by t.j.]

Where do you base this on??



t.j. - 19/3/07 at 05:22 PM

BTW The re-registration based on the points in UK is national UK regulation.

Here in NL the frame is the one which gives the vehicle the date of first registration not axles, interior, steering

[Edited on 19/3/07 by t.j.]

tks - 19/3/07 at 05:27 PM

its in the details:

"National type-approval and individual approval procedures for motor vehicles to be used or registered for the first time in the EU normally fall outside the scope of EC law."

its says NORMALLY

how confusing can this hole paperwork be..

TJ do you have many expierence?
are you from the NL? I'm half dutch and regressing to home town soon..

what should i do? i gues i'm gonna apply for UK SVA not??


t.j. - 19/3/07 at 05:35 PM

Most of the dutch builders build kit-cars which not can be registered legally by the laws in NL.

So the kit goes to the UK to get a V5c and will be exported to NL.
In NL it will be pretty easy to get a "kenteken" if your papers are legally been given to the car in the UK.
(you know what I mean?)

According to this EU-document Spain must accept the UK papers and register your car in Spain.

That's EU no national borders between member-states

I like that ! ! So you UK come and give up your Pound and pay in Euro's

BTW: for home-builders which build the constructive framework are lower laws in the Netherlands a SVA is possible but costs are not low. About 3000 Euro's and you have to pay taxes if the car is approved. (BPM)

[Edited on 19/3/07 by t.j.]

tks - 19/3/07 at 05:38 PM


yeah those UK are always a bit stiff driveing left etc...

If they would shift to driveing to the right their cars will become cheaper!!


p.d. i don't get you totally sow you might do me favour and PM me some very important details... and yes its "het kenteken" where its all about..

t.j. - 19/3/07 at 05:48 PM


Another try:

You are building a Velocity which is a Kit-car and not a "home-fabricated"-car (zelfbouw)

At first registration, so new car, the NL-laws say : EU-regulations. So no chance there

The law in NL says also EU cars will be accepted if they are registered in a member-state of the EU.
So if you have a V5(c) and the papers belong really to the car, and not some ford Sierra of some other kit-car which have been scrapped. You will get very easy a lincense in NL.

If you read the Eu-document it says: Spain has to do as NL.
Previous registered cars must be accepted in the member-state.

[Edited on 19/3/07 by t.j.]

[Edited on 19/3/07 by t.j.]

tks - 19/3/07 at 06:09 PM

i need to SVA my car in the UK
and obtain a Q plate not??

then before leaving the UK i need tot ake with me the V5(c) not??

Whats the difference between KITCAR and Zelfbouw???


[Edited on 19/3/07 by tks]

t.j. - 19/3/07 at 06:11 PM


Best way is to find someone in the Uk which can SVA en register your car.
Then export the vehicle to Spain.

Grzt Theo

robertst - 19/3/07 at 06:15 PM

That is exactly the problem! who in the UK can you entrust your car to? (unless you have family or a loyal friend) since that person in the UK has to go through the SVA with the car in his name, then he "sells" it back to you so you can export it back to your home country.

that is very risky my friend. you're basically giving him the car and trusting he will sell it back to you and that the paperwork goes through...

no wthat we're on the theme, isn't it possible to sva the car and get temporary driving permits so you can export it? i mean can't I (Spanish resident) get it through the SVA and then request an international permit (or whatnot) to take it back to Spain? do i need to have a residence address in the UK?

[Edited on 19/3/07 by robertst]

flak monkey - 19/3/07 at 06:19 PM

Several people on here have done it if i remember.

Most of the manufactuers over here will SVA your car for you if you ask them to. So thats the problem sorted, surely?


tks - 19/3/07 at 06:22 PM


tranquilo tio

The kitcar company's can do that for you.

I'm going to contact one to do this.
I'm getting a bit sick of the spanish system.

its just bull chit that goverments / countries / the USA can do everything they want with contamination and when i a non robbing / non stealing / non drugging hard working guy want a "special" car that i need to conform this crap if they where build by the amount of FORD sierra's they would have a point but for only 1 car more?


robertst - 19/3/07 at 06:56 PM

Originally posted by flak monkey
Several people on here have done it if i remember.

Most of the manufactuers over here will SVA your car for you if you ask them to. So thats the problem sorted, surely?


u serious?

flak monkey - 19/3/07 at 07:00 PM

Yep, there are a few manufacturers offering to put cars through SVA, not sure if its limited to their cars though, worth a call to find out though.

There is also kitcarbuilds, which was run as part of GTS, though the website seems to have died. But that might also be worth a question.

There are definately people who will do it for you for some cash.


t.j. - 19/3/07 at 08:21 PM

So know you now why Caterhams and Donkervoorts are so expensive in NL.

It's painfull to see that every EU-member can have it's own SVA-rules....

I want does UK-rules also here!

tks - 19/3/07 at 09:12 PM

