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Dash Radius....
twybrow - 19/7/07 at 05:16 PM

I have a carbon dash, and I'm having a minor panic with the bottom edge radius. I was thinking of making up a 19+mm radiused edge using drain pipe as a mould, but the bottom edge is not straight, so it would be a real pain in the arse. Having searched lots on here, there seesm to be some confusion over whether a soft radius of 5mm is acceptable on a hard dash... Can anyone clarify? Clearly the foam/lagging/vinyl route would be a damn site easier, but I don't want easy if it means an SVA fail!

[Edited on 19/7/07 by twybrow]

nludkin - 19/7/07 at 05:25 PM

If it's a hard dash, it needs a radius of 19mm on the lower edge. However, if it's covered and has padding, then the hard edge underneath needs to only be 5mm.

The examiners need to be able to feel that the hard surface is radiused basically. This appears to be the reason they don't allow pipe lagging (As it's so much padding that you can't feel that the hard bit has infact been radiused).

Well, that's my take on it anyway. Hope it helps

pewe - 19/7/07 at 07:58 PM

Try some poly-prop water pipe - the blue sort used for domestic mains. Cut along the length with a hand nibbler (see Machine Mart ref CHT164). You can then glue it or no-nails it. Radius onto thin ali greater than 19mm and you can paint it with Hammerite.
Is that locost or what?
Cheers, Pewe

twybrow - 20/7/07 at 06:54 AM

Nice - that might be the SVA solution. Thanks chaps, it looks like 19mm is the order of the day....