i was asked by a pal today can i change my engine from 1300cc triumph to 1600cc xflow,i didnt know if he could or not anyone know if you can and still be tax exempt.
Engine change doesn't affect historic vehicle status, that is purely down to date of first registration / manufacture. You should update the V5 with new engine number though.
If its already historic against the chassis number you can do what you like.
I ran a 1954 Series I landrover for years, in its time it gained a V8, gained a coil sprung chassis, went auto then back to manual and always retained
its historic status.
i am no expert but i think they have brought in some kind of points sytem no whereby anything you change has a points value and if the sum points is
above a certain amount you have to have it SVAed.
As you can tell i am quite hazey on this as it only comes from overhearing people really.
I think you should be ok with an engine. If I remember correctly it's any chassis changes which are a bugger
Originally posted by mark chandler
I ran a 1954 Series I landrover for years, in its time it gained a V8, gained a coil sprung chassis, went auto then back to manual and always retained its historic status.
Originally posted by 02GF74
The rules have been introduced in the last couplke of years based on pint system
Years ago, they were quite happy a sthey inspected the car.
It used original panels etc, I termed the works as upgrading brakes and suspension to suit the more powerful V8 engine, point to note the work was
carried out over 3 years bit by bit.
I guess it depends on how you talk to them.