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Do they dismantle?
Shamrock GS - 21/8/07 at 09:12 PM

For the test how far do things get dismantled or taken off?


smart51 - 21/8/07 at 09:15 PM

I had to open the boot and bonnet. He asked me to take off a wheel nut because it didn't look like there was enough thread. I didn't have to remove or dismantle anything else.

Stu16v - 21/8/07 at 09:26 PM

Originally posted by Shamrock GS
For the test how far do things get dismantled or taken off?

Probably depends on what is hidden from view...

David Jenkins - 21/8/07 at 09:49 PM

I had to remove my boot cover, which took a while as it was a screwed lid (5 minutes). Also had to remove the bonnet briefly.

Chippy - 21/8/07 at 10:25 PM

B****d made me take of my prop tunnel top, and I had the carpets fitted. So he could inspect the seat belt plates, Grrrrrr! Ray

iank - 21/8/07 at 10:43 PM

Originally posted by Chippy
B****d made me take of my prop tunnel top, and I had the carpets fitted. So he could inspect the seat belt plates, Grrrrrr! Ray

Seen suggestions to take a big album of photos showing stuff like seatbelt fixings that are otherwise hidden. Seems sensible if it prevents that kind of mucking about.

Though I'm sure some people in the past have tried to cover up dodgy bodges to try to avoid inspection so you can understand why he did it.

DarrenW - 22/8/07 at 09:13 AM

Bonnet and boot for me. i offered to take off nose cone but no need.

he did ask to see inside the tunnel but i had taken a load of photos with me.

Shamrock GS - 22/8/07 at 06:49 PM

This is really helpful - I will start thge photo album, and make sure I bring a toolkit!



vindicator - 23/8/07 at 10:45 AM

Try taking cable ties and several files to take off those pesky sharpe edges