For the test how far do things get dismantled or taken off?
I had to open the boot and bonnet. He asked me to take off a wheel nut because it didn't look like there was enough thread. I didn't have to remove or dismantle anything else.
Originally posted by Shamrock GS
For the test how far do things get dismantled or taken off?
I had to remove my boot cover, which took a while as it was a screwed lid (5 minutes). Also had to remove the bonnet briefly.
B****d made me take of my prop tunnel top, and I had the carpets fitted. So he could inspect the seat belt plates, Grrrrrr! Ray
Originally posted by Chippy
B****d made me take of my prop tunnel top, and I had the carpets fitted. So he could inspect the seat belt plates, Grrrrrr! Ray
Bonnet and boot for me. i offered to take off nose cone but no need.
he did ask to see inside the tunnel but i had taken a load of photos with me.
This is really helpful - I will start thge photo album, and make sure I bring a toolkit!
Try taking cable ties and several files to take off those pesky sharpe edges