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C20XE engine age proof (again!)
chrsgrain - 21/8/07 at 09:26 PM

Hi all,

Real problems with engine age proof for SVA - was hoping to get away with it at Cardiff, but now having it done in Southampton who are sticklers for paperwork. Have chatted with them and they won't take anything other than a letter from Vauxhall.

Vauxhall claim not to have details of the engine, need a VIN to trace, which we don't have..... none of the local dealers will help.

Any ideas people?? Anyone work for the Vauxhall stationers?? Struggling and starting to get fed up with the whole thing..


graememk - 21/8/07 at 09:42 PM

microsoft word 2000 and a copy of this....

James - 21/8/07 at 11:17 PM

As Graeme suggests.....!

What they gonna do, phone up to check? If you're worried they might then use a phone number of someone primed with the correct answers!

ned - 22/8/07 at 06:35 AM

Go into your local dealer and ask for a quote in writing (or anything in writing!), local letter head voila. scan and amend accordingly.

iank - 22/8/07 at 08:11 AM

novacaine is currently doing some work experience at a VX garage. Maybe he can have a dig around to try and find out if there's a way to get age evidence internally that isn't available to mere mortals.

ruudbeckers - 22/8/07 at 09:36 AM

I also still need proof of engine date for my c20xe.

The age is also casted in the engine block under the left engine mount. Is this not enough for SVA?