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what are the sva emmisions pass?
INDY BIRD - 25/9/07 at 05:19 PM

Can anyone tell me the pass for co2 and HC for sva getting the car ready so need to jet it.



russbost - 25/9/07 at 05:39 PM

What year is your engine - essential to answer the question

INDY BIRD - 25/9/07 at 05:47 PM

zzr 1100 c model which runs from 1991 to 1993 i do belive,



Guinness - 25/9/07 at 06:08 PM

Between 1st August 1992 and 31st July 1995 a non CAT test requires you to pass CO<=3.5% and HC<=1200ppm.



russbost - 25/9/07 at 06:47 PM

Excellent choice of engine & what he said! If it doesn't pass the 1200ppm for HC's at idle (they don't always) then they will check it again at 2000rpm - if it doesn't pass that there is a problem with the lump!

BenB - 25/9/07 at 08:03 PM

Pre 95 it's easy to get a pass.
I had to colortune and syncronise mine but that's all useful equipment!!!