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Insurance, HELP!!
Alez - 26/9/03 at 08:38 AM

Hi guys,

I'm just trying to recover from the shock of being asked for £640 for a 3000 mile/year 3rd party insurance for my locost blade!! My problem is that the insurance companies I've consulted either don't do kit cars or won't insure me because my GB driving licecence is 0 years old, the reason being that I'm now exchanging my current spanish licence I've held for over 10 years for a GB one in order to get insurance.

My case is quite uncommon, so I guess that the best I can do is try to get quotes from as many kit cars insurers as possible, so the question is, WHO IS YOUR INSURER? I need to contact them all!

The ones I've tried so far were suggested by others refusing to insure me:
-Adrian Flux: new driver's licence is a problem
-Norwich Union: no kit cars
-Hill House Hammond: no kit cars
-Chris Knott: no kit cars
-Backford Bloor & Co: new driver's licence is a problem unless UK resident for at least 3 years (not my case, 1.5 years now)
-Footman James: No probs if you're happy to pay £640
I was also recommended another one called someting like Gotham whatever (doing kit cars, apparently) but I've been unable to get their reference.

Your help is much appreciated.



Peteff - 26/9/03 at 09:26 AM

Can you get a Spanish company to insure you under your old license. I thought a European license was valid anywhere in the EU.

yours, Pete.

KitCarMart - 26/9/03 at 10:24 AM

Go to the Insurance page at:

Try Sureterm, Graham Sykes they are usually competitive.

Also there is Osborne and Sons and Roadsure.

all the best


auzziejim - 26/9/03 at 12:59 PM

-Hill House Hammond: no kit cars

Thats odd seeing as they advertise in kit car magazine!!!! Sounds interesting. The best quote i found for an 18 yr old with 1yr liecence no ncb was Footman James £1003 pa on a 1600cc pinto engined MK Indy

Alez - 26/9/03 at 02:15 PM

Thanks guys for your help, I'll soon see what I can get.

Auzziejim, I don't want to think they just said that as an excuse

Kitcarmart, thanks for the useful info, much appreciated.

Peteff, Spanish insurance companies require that you import the car (that is, register it in Spain, with Spanish plates!) for driving it mainly (if not only) inside Spain! Not my case



Jasper - 26/9/03 at 03:23 PM

Try Adrian Flux - I'm with them - cheap and good cover and understand kit cars

Alez - 26/9/03 at 04:33 PM

Hi Jasper, Hi guys,

Thanks for the suggestion mate but they won't do it because of my brand new GB licence!

Anyway, it looks like I got a nice insurance now from Sureterm thanks to Kitcarmart who advised trying them.

As I said earlier, my first quotation was for £640 3rd party 3000 miles/year. Sureterm has offered me £375 full coverage, same 3000 miles/year but I can even take the car to Spain for holidays etc. The only condition was I had to buy it immediately, which I fortunately did.

Then I called Graham Sykes asking for the same thing just to see if I had done the correct thing. They came with £1400 "because of the bike engine", and advised me to take the £640 that I had mentioned to them as previous quotation (since I wanted to give them the same conditions I gave to Sureterm).



JoelP - 26/9/03 at 05:24 PM

some companies just think bike engine looonatic, others know you care for a nice car better than you would a diesel repmobile.

guess u'd throw up to hear i shopped around to get quoted £850 third party on a 900cc CEC, namely a fiat seicento... i certainly did.

Alez - 29/9/03 at 05:20 PM


That's certainly one of the funniest things I've ever read in English or priced in £, bl#### h###!!



Willie - 3/10/03 at 01:04 PM


You think that's bad? Try insuring a young driver in N.Ireland. Under 25 only one company quotes (Adrain Flux), and even they won't quote under 19...which I am. To give you an estimate, I'm 18, no accidents (So far), male and am paying Just over £2000 for a 1996 Peugeot 306, 1400cc.

I'll get quoted in may, but it's going to be a joke.


Alez - 6/10/03 at 08:31 AM

Hi Willie,

That's just terrible. You know, long ago I decided to simplify my life not to need a car for everyday life. Since then, I walk to work etc and have a fun car only (limited mileage now).

If I was you, I would probably refuse to have a car altogether (that's not the kind of msg you would post in this forum, is it?)



ayh20 - 9/10/03 at 10:08 PM

You don't say how old you are but if you're 25 plus you can try who i use.

I use A W Marlow in Buton-on-Trent. Only £120 for my 125BHP Striker but i'm turning into an old fart....
