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DVLA Inspection
John Bonnett - 19/11/07 at 01:18 PM

I would be very grateful if you could clarify which Form I need to set in motion an inspection by the DVLA of the Phoenix. I've been told that the inspection can be done before the SVA test.

Any help here will be very much appreciated.

Thank you


coozer - 19/11/07 at 01:28 PM

You need the MAC from the SVA so it can't be done before, I think.

Schrodinger - 19/11/07 at 01:51 PM

Speak to your local DVLA office as it is they who inspect some will not come out to do the inspection, others will.
Some will alow you to "pass by" on the return from the SVA.

matt_claydon - 19/11/07 at 01:53 PM

You need to speak to your local office, they all do it differently. Some will do it before SVA, some not; some will come to you, some won't; some will say you can drive there without plates, some say you can't!

Fozzie - 19/11/07 at 01:59 PM

Form V621 link below

Form linky

But as others have said each area has different 'rules'

HTH Fozzie

John Bonnett - 19/11/07 at 02:19 PM

My thanks to all of you for your replies. I think it is quite amazing how the whole business of how the DVLA deal with a kit car varies from office to office. There has been a lot of posts on this site about whether an MOT is necessary on a newly SVAd Q plated car and now there appears to be no firm rules as to whether the inspection can be done before SVA or if it must wait for the MAC.

I'll bite the bullet and call into Exeter office and see what they say. I'll post their reply.

Once again thank you for your help.


hector - 19/11/07 at 05:19 PM

If it helps I had Exeter dvla come and inspect my car BEFORE SVA!
Its only to clarify that the bits you have fitted are from the donor car

cheers Colin

John Bonnett - 19/11/07 at 06:22 PM

Thank you Colin

I don't have a donor car but do have invoices for every part used in the build. I was under the impression that they just need to verify that the car exists so I was a bit surpried when I heard that they need the MAC first before the inspection.

Did you call in to the office or can you download the form requesting the inspection. I did have look at the DVLA website and the only form I could find was for radically modified or rebuilt vehicles.


Fozzie - 19/11/07 at 06:31 PM

Taken from that link I posted above...

Apply for a Built Up Vehicle Inspection Report (V627/1)

Form V627/1 is available for those who have carried out extensive vehicle modifications,
or have built a vehicle from scratch , and wish to declare details of the work carried out.


John Bonnett - 19/11/07 at 06:36 PM

Fozzie I'm really sorry, I missed your post. Thank you very much for the info I shall get to it straight away.

Best wishes


Shamrock GS - 19/11/07 at 08:05 PM

Mine was inspected before the SVA but they didn't allocate a number until test was passed.

They were, however, quite happy for me to drive it to the test. Good sense prevailed and I got a trailer!


smart51 - 19/11/07 at 08:19 PM

If you build your own chassis, do they want to see it before it is built up, or do they just want to read the serial numbers of the finished car?

matt_claydon - 20/11/07 at 08:45 AM

Just the numbers and the origin of the parts, it's not their job to asses the build.